
jiào zhènɡ qū xiàn
  • calibration curve
  1. 火焰光度检测器气相色谱用于硫的检测线性范围很窄(10~2),作者借助BASIC程序判断、选择合适的校正曲线以达到处理数据的目的。

    The linearity region for measuring sulphur by FPD-gas chromatography is nar - row ( 10 ~ 2 ) . With the BASIC program a suitable calibration curve can be judged and chosen .

  2. 理论和实验结果均表明:直接用ReLα分析线强度绘制的校正曲线比二元比例法可以获得更好的线性。

    Both theoretical and experimental results showed that linear calibration curve could be obtained if the curve is plotted by Re % vs. ReL α x-ray intensity instead of binary ratio technique .

  3. 采用水介质直接分散纳米氧化锆粉体悬浮进样,以水标准溶液绘制校正曲线,石墨炉原子吸收法测定其中的微量Al。

    Determination of trace aluminum in nano-size zirconia powders by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with slurry sampling and aqueous standards was reported in this paper .

  4. 运用GC-AED特有的化合物无关校正曲线法(CIC法),建立了GB、GD、VXCIC定量测定方法,计算出了各种方法的相对误差,总结了CIC法的误差规律;

    We established a quantitative determination method for GB , GD and VX by CIC . The relative error was calculated .

  5. 在低空由于瑞利散射和米散射同时存在,当后向散射比Rb不同时,测风激光雷达校正曲线随Rb不同而不同,因此需要根据不同的Rb选取不同的校正曲线来得到风速。

    For both of Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering exist in lower atmosphere , the backscattering ratio Rb is needed to calibrate the wind speed response curve .

  6. 用计算机模拟出PAN的GPC校正曲线方程,对宽分布的标准试样进行重复测定,结果相对标准偏差均小于3.5%。

    PAN with broad distribution was used to simulate the equation of GPC revised curve with computer and was determined repeatedly . The results showed relative standard deviation lower than 3.5 % .

  7. 采用铅的K层X射线对相干散射归一化的方法,根据铅的K层X射线强度与相干散射强度的比值对胫骨模型铅含量之间的校正曲线,便可得到人体骨铅的含量。

    By the normalization of lead X rays to the coherent scatter , the content of bone lead was calculated from the calibration curves of the ratio ( X ray intensity : coherent intensity ) against the lead concentration in tibia phantoms .

  8. 采用宽分布的聚丙烯腈共聚物(Polyacrylonitrile简称PAN)标准样品,通过编制的计算机程序,模拟计算出PAN的GPC校正曲线方程,对宽分布的标准样品进行重复测定,重现性试验结果符合误差要求。

    PAN standard sample with broad distribution has been adopted to simulate to work out equation of GPC revised curve of PAN by means of designed program in computer , and repeated the results of precision test can reach the limit of the error .

  9. 采用OV-210毛细管色谱柱配合FID检测器进行分析,分析方法为内标校正曲线法,以苯为内标物,可以准确定量以上三种组分。

    Using OV-210 capillary column and FID detector with benzene as the internal standard , the three main products can be analyzed quantitatively . The method is proved to be precise and accurate .

  10. 采用紫外分光光度检测器,YWG-C18硅胶键合相高效反相色谱柱,乙腈-水流动相,比较了校正曲线法、内标法和峰面积归一法等三种定量方法。

    The method is carried out with ultraviolet spectrophotometer as detector , YWG-C18 column , acetonitrile ( CH 3CN ) water mobile phase .

  11. 方法的检出限是1.2ng/ml,校正曲线在2~100ng/mlCN~-范围内具有良好的线性。

    The method permits selective determination of cyanide with a detection limit of 1.2ng/ml for CN ~ - , The linear range is 2 ~ 100ng / ml for CN ~ - .

  12. 振动样品磁强计低温校正曲线及其机理研究

    Low-temprature correcting curves and mechanism study of vibrating - sample magnetometer

  13. 分数维描述电表校正曲线的误差

    Describing the error of the electric meter curve by fractional dimension

  14. 校正曲线法测定食品中山梨酸的含量

    Determination on Sorbie acid in Food by Calibration curve Method

  15. 土壤中有否植物生长对校正曲线也稍有影响。

    The growing plants also influence the calibration curve slightly .

  16. 用微机绘制电表校正曲线

    Drawing the Calibrated Curve of Electric Meter with the Aid of a Computer

  17. 同时建立了非破坏分析校正曲线。

    Calibration lines for non-destructive analysis were also established .

  18. 本文计算了不同大气温度时的校正曲线,用于风速校正。

    Different response curves of different atmosphere temperature are calculated in this paper .

  19. 利用积分方程法计算双侧向测井仪的井眼校正曲线

    Computation of borehole correction curves of dual laterolog tool by integral equation method

  20. 这也适用于那些只支持一条校正曲线的印前流程。

    This also suitable for the prepress system only allow one calibration curve .

  21. Копытов衰减校正曲线的理论分析与探讨

    Theoretical Analysis and Discussion of Копытов Attenuation-Correction Curves

  22. 用本文改进的少量粉末样品制备法压片,各组分含量由校正曲线直接求取而不需基体校正。

    All analyte contents were calculated directly from the calibration curves without any matrix correction .

  23. 提高了网点校正曲线(度转换)精度。

    Improves the precision of calibration curve .

  24. 用元素谱线强度比值对相应的原子比值作校正曲线,大大提高了方法的精密度和准确度,结果满意。

    The accuracy and precision of analysis are greatly improved , and the results are satisfactory .

  25. 采用校正曲线法可以提高分析的准确度。

    With the help of calibration curves the accuracy of analytical results can be significantly enhanced .

  26. 校正曲线绘制方式对菜粕中硫代葡萄糖甙测定结果的影响

    Effect of Calibrated-curve Drawing on the Determination of Glucosinolates in Rapeseed Meal by Palladium Chloride Method

  27. 测量误差的主要来源是样品校正曲线拟合误差、样品测定重复性标准偏差。

    The main sources of uncertainty come from non-linear calibration models and pre-processing step of samples .

  28. 校正曲线标准溶液用于制作仪器相应和分析物浓度相关的标准曲线。

    The CAL solutions are used to calibrate the instrument response with respect to analyte concentration .

  29. 峰面积-浓度校正曲线表明,布洛芬及其正辛酯各对映体响应因子值相等。

    In addition , the response factors of the four enantiomers are almost equal to each other .

  30. 用校正曲线法测定共聚物组成(乙烯基吡咯烷酮重量百分比由50%~100%)。该方法灵敏度为:6×10~(-3)g/1,相对误差小于6%。

    Calibration curve is applied for the measurement ( weight percentages ranging from 50 % to 100 % ) .