
xiào huī
  • school badge
校徽 [xiào huī]
  • [school badge] 标明校名的徽章

  • 学生入校要佩带校徽

校徽[xiào huī]
  1. 每个学生都应该佩戴校徽。

    Every student should carry a school badge .

  2. 字母“C”的处理也参考借鉴了辽宁大学校徽的局部元素;

    The special effect of the letter C borrows certain ideas from the school badge of LU .

  3. 大学校徽设计中的汉字应用分析

    Analyses of Chinese Character Application in University Signs Design

  4. 为什么它会成为霍格沃茨象征校徽的一部分?

    Why is it a part of its symbol ?

  5. 我们把校徽别在外套上。

    We wear the school badge on our coats .

  6. 一枚校徽更是能锦上添花;

    a university badge can make it shine ;

  7. 大学校徽在形式上是象,在内容上是意。

    The school emblem of university is images in the formality and ideas on the contents .

  8. 我仍旧保存着我的旧校服,口袋上缝有校徽。

    I 're still got my old school blazer with the school badge sewn onto the pocket .

  9. 大学校徽源于徽章,是现代大学制度的产物。

    The school emblem of university which comes from the coat of arms is the outcome of modern university system .

  10. 我还注意到鲁迅先生当年为北京大学设计的校徽今天依然在使用。

    I would also note that Lu Xun 's design for the school crest of Peking University is still in use .

  11. 留学生在办理所有入学手续并接受入学教育后,可以到留学生处管理办公室领取学生证和校徽。

    After the enrollment procedure and the orientation meeting , international students may collect your identification card and the school badge at ISD .

  12. 背景用“国际篮”颜色的菱形,这既与维多利亚大学校徽的形状相吻合,又与亚澳商学院的惯用色调保持一致;

    The diamond-shaped background of'international blue'is consistent with both the shape of the school badge of VU and the color AABC would normally apply .

  13. 杨总领事表示他将在同州长会晤时佩戴此校徽以提醒他明大同中国的良好关系。

    Yang indicated he would wear it to his meeting with the governor to remind him of the strong relationship between the University and China .

  14. 本文借用自然科学领域的谱系学方法,对中外大学校徽做谱系学分析。

    Adopting the genealogical methods used in science research , this paper attempts to make a genealogical analysis of the badges of Chinese and foreign universities .

  15. 澳门大学的校徽由一个五座城堡冠顶的盾牌和分别用中葡文书写的「澳门大学」的校名字样组成。

    The emblem of the University of Macau features a five-towered crest encircled by golden rings and the name of the University in Chinese and Portuguese .

  16. 在听闻这两名新生充满巧合的故事后,同济大学校友会赠予了两名同学印有大学校徽的T恤衫。

    After hearing the coincidence-filled story of these two freshmen , the alumni association of Tongji University gifted each of them a T-shirt with university logo .

  17. 爱的力量终于使我考入了区党校,圆了我再戴校徽,重游学海的美梦。

    The power of love that I finally admitted to the Party School District , a round of the I-school badge , the dream of re-Tour Xuehai .

  18. 她门外的壁架上放着一个小毛绒熊,它戴着密歇根大学的校徽,是个充满希望的哨兵,也可能成为一次谈话的开端。

    The ledge outside her front door is home to a little stuffed bear , dressed in University of Michigan regalia , a hopeful sentry , and maybe a conversation starter .

  19. 随着大学的发展,大学校徽逐渐演变成为一个相对完善的结构系统,是言、象、意的结合体。

    Along with the development of university , the school emblem of university has gradually turned into an oppositive perfect structure system , which is a combination of words , images and ideas .

  20. 组织文化作为校园文化的重要组成部分在齐鲁大学校园文化中也表现的很突出,校歌、校徽、校训充分表现了齐鲁大学的风格和特点。

    The organization culture was also a prominent component of the campus culture of Cheeloo University . The university 's style was fully demonstrated in its school song , school badge and school motto .

  21. 而假冒高校校名、校徽等特有标识进行商业活动、招生或非法使用高校自主知识产权,则损害了高校的正当权益。

    The business activities and enrolling new students making use of the just school names , school badges and the other autonomous intellectual property are damaging the legitimate rights and interests of colleges and universities .

  22. 该校65名优秀毕业生已经“上架”,他们统一身穿印有昆明学院校徽的白T恤,所有的“宝贝”都有个人才能简介。

    The ' Kunming University talent shop ' showcases the university 's top 65 graduates , who each have an online ' profile ' showing off their talent . All of the graduates are wearing white t-shirts bearing the Kunming University logo .