
  • 网络lake tahoe
  1. 谷歌的无人驾驶汽车已经从加州北部的山景城(MountainView)驶到了南加州的好莱坞林荫大道和太平洋海岸高速公路,跨过金门大桥,驶过太平洋海岸高速公路,环绕了太浩湖(LakeTahoe)。

    Its automated cars have driven from mountain view in Northern California to Santa Monica and Hollywood Boulevard in Southern California , crossed the Golden Gate Bridge , navigated the Pacific coast highway , and circumnavigated Lake Tahoe .

  2. 几年之后,人们会见到一座尽善尽美的CalNevaResort,这座度假村过去属于歌手弗兰克·辛纳塔(FrankSinatra),经过一场大规模的改建翻新之后,它将新增若干水滨酒店,在南太浩湖地区重出江湖。—

    In the next few years expect to see everything from the Cal Neva Resort , once owned by Frank Sinatra , open after a big renovation , to a South Lake Tahoe with new waterfront hotels . -

  3. 太浩湖地区正在复苏,斯阔谷(SquawValley)与Homewood等度假村都在努力改进,试图申办2026年冬奥会。

    Tahoe is resurgent , as resorts from Squaw Valley to Homewood undertake improvements with an eye toward bidding for the 2026 Winter Olympics .

  4. 威廉姆斯是在太浩湖旅游时,产生了创建Gowalla的灵感。当时他用手机拍摄了一张低空云团的照片,希望与他的父亲分享。

    Williams'inspiration to create Gowalla came during a trip to Lake Tahoe , where he snapped a camera phone picture of a low-hanging cloud and wanted to share it with his dad .

  5. 数十年来,太浩湖北端的太浩北极星(Northstar-at-Tahoe)山滑雪场总被忽视。

    For decades Northstar-at-Tahoe , on the north end of Lake Tahoe , was a mostly overlooked ski hill .

  6. 这张只是一张他玩划水的帅照,是在太浩湖的慈善活动上呢。

    Oh , this is just a cute picture of him water-skiing at a charity event on Lake Tahoe .

  7. 内华达州通向亚利桑那州的大峡谷和太浩湖及拉斯维加斯。

    The Sierra Nevada leads to the Grand Canyon in Arizona , and Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas in Nevada .

  8. 七个可疑的陌生人在太浩湖附近一家同样可疑又破旧的“皇家酒店”会面,在这里度过命运攸关的一夜。

    Seven shady strangers meet at the equally shady El Royale , a rundown hotel near Lake Tahoe , for one fateful night .

  9. 在加州北部,卡尔多大火在太浩湖盆地散落更多灰烬,留下浓重的黄色雾霾,导致学区连续第三天关闭。

    In Northern California , the Caldor Fire rained more ash over the Lake Tahoe Basin , leaving a thick yellow haze that closed school districts for a third day .

  10. 加上与斯坦福大学的人工智能团队的协作,谷歌工程师已经生产出实验性的无人车,可以在太浩湖和湾区之间自由穿梭,让盲人可以更加独立地外出开车购物或办事。

    Working with an artificial intelligence team at Stanford University , Google engineers have produced experimental cars that now have travelled to Lake Tahoe and back to the Bay Area and have given the blind more independence by driving them to shop and carry out errands .