
  • 网络Taroko;truku
  1. 台湾一趟以HelloKitty为主题的太鲁阁号列车于上周一首次运行。

    A Hello Kitty-themed Taroko Express train made its inaugural run in Taiwan last Monday .

  2. 太鲁阁是一个有很多岩石和山的大地方。

    Taroko is a big place lots of and mountains .

  3. 太鲁阁人的信仰,是以祖灵为中心的集体意识。

    Ancestral spirit worship forms the core of the Truku spiritual beliefs .

  4. 向下切割著持续上升的磐石,滔滔不绝的溪水仍不断雕塑著太鲁阁峡谷。

    Gushing water carving down through ever-rising rocks is still shaping Taroko gorge .

  5. 太鲁阁,意指山腰的平台或可居住之地。

    Truku refers to a mountain plateau or a place suitable for living .

  6. 太鲁阁是台湾最有名的观光景点之一。

    Taroko Gorge is one of the most famous tourist attractions in taiwan .

  7. 太鲁阁引很多观光客,尤其在夏天的时候。

    Taroko Gorge attracts a lot of tourists , especially in the summer .

  8. 老板:你们可以从这里骑上山然后下山进入太鲁阁峡谷。

    Boss : You can go up into the mountains from here and then go down into Taroko Gorge .