
  • 网络Taipei Palace Museum;Taipei's National Palace Museum;Taipei National Palace Museum;The Emperor's Treasure
  1. 为台北故宫博物院珍藏。

    For Taipei Palace Museum collection .

  2. 作品原属故宫旧藏,现存于台北故宫博物院。

    Once displayed in the Forbidden City , it is now in the collection of the Taipei Palace Museum .

  3. 台北故宫博物院图书文献处

    Department of Books and Documents of Taibei Palace Museum

  4. 两岸故宫文物在台北故宫博物院展出。

    Relics across Straits shared for Qing show .

  5. 20世纪60年代中,美国把钱存训从上海挽救出来的那些古籍交给了台湾。它们仍在那里,保存在国立台北故宫博物院。

    The books Professor Tsien rescued from Shanghai were given to Taiwan by the United States in the mid-1960s . They remain there , housed at the National Palace Museum in Taipei .

  6. 传统中式设计的台北国立故宫博物院于1965年在台北开馆。

    Designed in traditional Chinese style , the National Palace Museum opened in 1965 in Taipei .

  7. 现在,紫禁城的藏品被一分为二,分别保存在北京和台北的故宫博物院内。

    Today , the collections from the Forbidden City are kept separately in Beijing and Taipei .