  • market;city;municipality;pertaining to the Chinese system of weights and measures
  • buy;sell;deal in

  • 同 "黻"
  • 做买卖或做买卖的地方:开~。菜~。~井(街,市场)。~曹。~侩(旧指买卖的中间人、唯利是图的奸商;现泛指贪图私利的人)。

  • 买:~义。~恩(买好,讨好)。

  • 人口密集的行政中心或工商业、文化发达的地方:城~。都(dū)~。~镇。

  • 一种行政区划,有中央直辖和省(自治区)辖等:北京~。南京~。

  • 中国人民习惯使用的度量衡单位:~制。~尺。~斤。


(市场) market:

  • 菜 [谷, 米, 鱼]市

    vegetable [grain, rice, fish] market;

  • 黑市

    black market;

  • 上市

    be on the market; be in season;

  • 它已开始上市。

    It has appeared on the market.


(城市) city; municipality:

  • 港市

    port [seaport] city;

  • 省辖市

    provincial city;

  • 市中心

    the heart of the city; city centre; downtown;

  • 天津市

    the City of Tianjin; Tianjin municipality


(属于市制的) pertaining to the Chinese system of weights and measures:

  • 市尺

    chi, a unit of length (=1/3 metre)


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 市被

    Shi Bei


[书] (买卖货物) buy; sell; deal in:

  • 市马

    deal in horses;

  • 市药

    buy medicine

  1. 入市几乎使公司及其董事破产。

    The move to the market nearly bankrupted the firm and its director

  2. 市售饮料pH值、缓冲能力、钙、磷、氟含量的测定及意义

    Determining of the baseline pH value , the buffering capacity the contents of calcium phosphate and flouride of some market beverages

  3. 就居住环境而论,牛津市是个难得的好地方。

    As a place to live , Oxford takes some beating .

  4. 本市现在提供从市中心到体育场的免费交通。

    The city is providing free transportation to the stadium from downtown .

  5. 这是市里一家最受欢迎的夜总会。

    This is one of the hottest clubs in town .

  6. 这些事件使该市背上了不应有的恶名。

    The events had stained the city 's reputation unfairly .

  7. 旅游业是该市的重要收入来源。

    Tourism is a fountain of wealth for the city .

  8. 布朗克斯是纽约市的五个行政区之一。

    The Bronx is one of the five boroughs of New York .

  9. 他当选为市议会主席。

    He was elected chair of the city council .

  10. 有几家报纸声称该市警察部门腐败。

    Several newspapers made allegations of corruption in the city 's police department .

  11. 这笔钱将用来发展壮大市镇的商业中心。

    The money will be used to regenerate the commercial heart of the town .

  12. 该市镇处于密集的炮火之下。

    The town is under heavy artillery fire .

  13. 快到市镇时就可以看见左边的学院。

    As you approach the town , you 'll see the college on the left .

  14. 她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

    Her book traces the town 's history from Saxon times to the present day .

  15. 一支联合国援助车队载着食物和药物终于抵达了被围困的市镇。

    A United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town .

  16. 该市约90%的独户住宅都不适合居住。

    About 90 percent of the city 's single-family homes are uninhabitable

  17. 一排坦克由市里沿路开来。

    A line of tanks came up the road from the city

  18. 市警方称那名男子携带了一支左轮手枪。

    City police said the man was armed with a revolver .

  19. 这个男孩出生在市妇产医院。

    The boy was born at the city 's maternity hospital .

  20. 在德国,柏林市已经满目疮痍。

    Within Germany , the city of Berlin lay in ruins .

  21. 约翰在巴尔的摩长大,当时该市还在实行种族隔离制度。

    John grew up in Baltimore when that city was segregated .

  22. 该市警察设置了路障以检查过往车辆。

    The city police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles .

  23. 彼得获授伦敦市荣誉市民的称号。

    Peter was made a Freeman of the City of London .

  24. 他当选为利兹市议员而进入了议会。

    He was elected to Parliament as the Member for Leeds .

  25. 在第一周内,该市警方就驱逐了10个家庭。

    In the first week , the city police evicted ten families

  26. 我驱车到市里一家餐馆就餐。

    I drove into town and went to a restaurant for dinner

  27. 不远处就是市美术馆。

    Just a stone 's throw away is the City Art Gallery .

  28. 该市的房地产市场已陷入极度低迷。

    The bottom had fallen out of the city 's property market .

  29. 这位听话的纽约市市长听命于他。

    The malleable mayor of New York was under his control

  30. 市队的头号射手是打进17粒进球的乔·哈维。

    City 's principal marksman was Joe Harvey who scored seventeen goals .