
shì chǎnɡ zhǔn rù
  • market access/entry
  1. 市场准入的行政管理措施

    Administrative Aspects of Market Access

  2. 中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚定不移扩大改革开放,放宽市场准入,持续优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,为世界经济稳定作出贡献。

    China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent6 monetary7 policy . We will continue to advance reform and opening-up , widen market access , improve the business environment , and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy .

  3. 市场准入是WTO的重要规则。

    Market access is one of the most important rules of WTO .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,外资金融机构的市场准入将逐步放宽,中资金融机构面临的冲击和挑战将加大。

    The financial market adopts gradually the open policy after China 's accession to WTO .

  5. 从市场准入承诺看加入WTO给西部高等教育带来的挑战

    Challenge from market access of China 's entry into WTO to high education in western

  6. WTO的市场准入制度

    The WTO 's Market Access System

  7. WTO体制下外资银行市场准入监管法律制度研究

    The Study of Foreign Capital Bank Market Access Supervising and Managing Law System under WTO System

  8. 尽量缩小行政许可范围,以适应WTO市场准入原则要求;

    Minimizing scope of administrative license so as to accord with WTO 's principle of admittance of entering market ;

  9. 能源服务是WTO新一轮服务贸易市场准入谈判的新议题。

    Energy service will be the new issue of the new WTO negotiation about market access of service trade .

  10. 而市场准入限制也是凌驾于WTO成员政府干预服务贸易自由化的国内监管之上。

    And the market access limitation also overrides domestic regulation which intervenes the liberalization of service trade by the government of WTO members .

  11. GATS下国际电信服务贸易的市场准入制度研究

    Research on Market Access System of International Telecommunications Services under GATS

  12. 另一方面,针对WTO法制的要求明确国民待遇原则,扩大市场准入,加强投资保护;

    On the other hand , determine the National Treatment Principle , enlarge market admittance , reinforce investment protection to meet the requirement of WTO legal system ;

  13. 结束中国GPA涵盖范围谈判(市场准入承诺)。

    Concluding the negotiation on China 's GPA coverage ( market access commitments ) .

  14. 况且,中国加入WTO后,市场准入门槛的降低,费率市场化步伐的加快,产品差异化水平的提高等都对原有监管模式提出了严峻挑战。

    After China entered the WTO , it has brought forward severe challenges such as the lowered market doorsill the quickened step of marketing premium and the improved product diversity .

  15. 在市场准入方面,PPM的进一步发展可能会导致我国遭受更多基于环境的贸易限制。

    In market access , PPM may result in the further development of our country being more environment-based trade restrictions .

  16. 市场准入原则是GATS中一个关键性条件,也是成员方履行WTO所规范的实现世界贸易自由化的首要义务。

    Principle of market access is the essential terms of GATS , which are also the key measures regulated by WTO for world trade freedom .

  17. GATS框架下国际电信服务贸易领域的市场准入问题&兼谈中国电信服务业的开放问题

    Problems of Market Access in the Field of International Telecom Service and Trade under the Frame of GATS

  18. 文章在探讨NAFTA金融服务非歧视规则后,对建立在非歧视待遇基础上的NAFTA金融服务条款的核心制度市场准入进行了详细研究。

    It then analyzes the non-discriminatory rule as the foundation of the NAFTA financial service provisions .

  19. 乌拉圭回合产生的《农业协议》确立了以市场准入、出口补贴、国内支持三大支柱为核心的贸易规则,将农产品贸易纳入了WTO的法律框架之内。

    The Agricultural Agreement of WTO established in Uruguay Round that set up a trade regulation focused on market access , export subsidy and domestic support . It makes agricultural products trade involved in WTO legal frame .

  20. 在贸易自由与市场准入涉及的关税和非关税壁垒问题成功纳入WTO体制后,新的、更深层次的问题又产生了,即企业阻碍贸易自由发展的反竞争行为。

    After admitting the tariff and non-tariff issues on trade freedom and market entrance into the WTO framework , the new and more deep-seated issue arises , i.e. the firm 's anti-competition act hindering the development of free trade .

  21. 为了适应WTO规则要求,我国对进入的外资金融机构放宽并取消了地域限制,提高了市场准入标准,优化了资本运作的结构比率。

    In order to meet the needs of WTO regulations , we broaden and cancel regional restriction , improve the standard for allowance to market and optimize the struture rate of capital operation for financial agencies of foreign capital .

  22. GATS框架下保险业市场准入制度中的核心&市场准入也是这场争论中的焦点之一。

    The center of the insurance market access system under the GATS frame , the market access , is the focus of the controversy .

  23. 最后,与成长型企业合作或建立伙伴关系例如皇家飞利浦电子(royalphilipselectronics)与东软成立了合资公司,以加速获得市场准入,并提高技术与制造能力。

    Last , collaborate or partner with growth companies - such as Royal Philips Electronics , which formed a joint venture with Neusoft to gain accelerated market access and technical and manufacturing capabilities .

  24. 美国在wto的代表迈克尔彭克(michaelpunke)明确表示,新兴国家必须在市场准入方面做出重大让步,才能达成一项贸易协定。

    Michael Punke , US representative at the WTO , made it clear that emerging countries had to make significant concessions on market access to conclude a trade deal .

  25. 各国贸易部长们发布的官方公报称,TPP谈判的两个组成部分市场准入以及贸易和投资规则都取得了显著进展。

    The official communiqu é released by trade ministers reported significant progress on both components of the TPP talks – market access and rules governing trade and investment .

  26. 建立统一的CA认证,以确立统一的行业标准。并在具体可操作的基础上,建立健全网络银行的信息披露制度、完善中国征信体系建设、网络银行市场准入制度、网络银行市场退出制度。

    We should establish a unified CA certificate and a unified feasible industry standard and perfect information disclosure system of internet bank . We also should improve our credit system , market access system and market exit system of Internet bank .

  27. 但是,我国在吸引外商投资的市场准入方面存在许多与WTO原则不一致的地方,因此,如何在符合WTO原则的基础上采取合理的对策加以解决显得尤为重要。

    However , there are still quite a few differences between the market access of foreign investment policies of our country and that of WTO . So it is very important to adopt rational measures based on WTO principles to solve the problem now .

  28. 无论在非歧视规则方面还是在市场准入制度方面,NAFTA金融服务条款都比FSA更趋向于金融服务自由化。

    The financial service provisions of NAFTA are more tended to financial liberalization than FSA in WTO both on non - discriminatory rule and the market access rule .

  29. itc还表示,美国从向中国出口的产品征收到的版权税和许可费显示,侵犯知识产权的现象和市场准入问题非常普遍。

    The ITC also said US receipts of royalties and licence fees from exports to China suggested widespread infringement of intellectual property rights and market access problems .

  30. 周二,MSCI明晟集团表示,在几个与市场准入有关的重要遗留问题得到解决后,中国A股有望被纳入MSCI全球基准指数。

    China A-shares are " on track for inclusion " in MSCI global benchmarks after " a few important remaining issues related to market accessibility have been resolved ", the group said on Tuesday .