
  1. 与此同时,一些地方动漫企业也开始联合抱团取暖,增强竞争力。

    At the same time , some local animation companies have begun to jointly hold together for warmth , and enhance competitiveness .

  2. 因为知道鼠疫是致命的,许多满洲人都把受感染的亲属赶出家门,让他们与其他被亲人抛弃的病人一起在街上抱团取暖,然后死在街头。

    Knowing that plague was fatal , many Manchurians drove out their infected relatives to die on the streets , huddling with other outcasts for warmth .

  3. 贵州茅台一向被认为是基金集体护盘的最后一块遮羞布,如今基金们已不再抱团取暖,而是自相残杀。

    Guizhou Maotai has always been seen as a collective fund to support the final piece of fig leaf , the funds are now no longer Baotuan heating , but to fight against each other .

  4. 当前的全球金融危机对我国的影响日渐增大,国资委除要求央企抱团取暖外,还希望各级国企加快重组并购进程。

    The current global financial crisis implements an increasing impact on China , In addition to asking the central enterprises " heating ", SASAC hope all levels of state-owned enterprises to speed up the process of reorganization and acquisition .