
  1. 第四部分集中论述《抱朴子外篇》体现的文学思想。

    Part 4 deals with the literary thought in Bao-Pu-Zi-Wai-Pian .

  2. “怀素抱朴”&全国高等美术学院油画专业教师纸上作品展,杭州;

    Huaisu Baopu national art college oil painting teacher paper work exhibition Hangzhou ;

  3. 但这一次,亚洲股票却没有选择“抱朴”。

    But this time , Asian equities opted not to " embrace simplicity " .

  4. 第三部分主要对《抱朴子外篇》的成书过程、撰写动机、思想倾向进行详细考辨。

    Part 3 deals with the writing process , the writing motivation and the primary thought of Bao-Pu-Zi-Wai-Pian .

  5. 《抱朴子》亦称“兔”寿千岁,五百岁其色白”。

    The holding tastes " also say " rabbit " longevity chitose , 500 years its color white " .

  6. 而抱朴则是这种人格理想的最后体现者、他走出老磨屋,意味着这种人格理想的最终胜利。

    He went out from the old grinding house , which means the final victory of the ideal of personality .

  7. 依照第一部分对介词的认识标准,确定了《抱朴子内篇》中的32个介词。

    The first part in accordance with recognized standards for the Prepositions , defined " within the chapter Baopuzi " in the 34 prepositions .

  8. 葛洪的《抱朴子》是熔宗教哲学与科学技术思想为一炉的仙学名著。抚仙湖学潜水

    Ge Hong 's Pao-pu-tzu is a famous work , which integrates religious philosophy with the thinking of science and technology . DIVING IN FUXIAN LAKE

  9. 葛洪作为道教历史上重要的人物之一,其著作十分丰富,代表作为《抱朴子》内外篇。

    Taoist Ge Hong as one of the important people in history , his book is very rich , represented as " Bao Pu " Inner and Outer .

  10. 从研究现状来看,对《抱朴子·内篇》的核心思想神仙思想研究的专著和论文比较多,而对其文学创作的研究尚欠缺。

    From the current research situation , monographs and articles about core thought of the immortals thoughts are more , and research that his literature creation is still lacking .

  11. 罗杰斯吸收道家抱朴守真的思想,而主张尊重个体的价值与尊严,这一积极思想对现代道德教育有着重要启示;

    Both Taoists and Rogers claim to respect the values and dignity of individuals and pursue to maintain the true-plain nature of human , which has important enlightenment to modern moral education .