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cánɡ shū jiā
  • bibliophile;book collector
  1. 我的父亲是一位藏书家。

    My father is a bibliophile .

  2. 焦是明代南京著名的学者、思想家、文章家、藏书家。

    Jiao Hong was a famous scholar , thinker , essayist and bibliophile in Ming Dynasty .

  3. 约瑟夫·史密斯是个如饥似渴的藏书家。

    Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector .

  4. 中国古代少数民族藏书家对文化事业的贡献

    The Contribution of Ancient Minorities and Bibliophiles to Chinese Culture

  5. 古代藏书家在承传民族文化典籍上的贡献

    On Ancient Bibliophiles ' Contributions to Inheriting National Ancient Books

  6. 清初扬州著名藏书家&季振宜

    Ji Zhengyi : a Famous Book collector of Yangzhou in the Qing Dynasty

  7. 中国古代藏书家之统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Book Collectors in Ancient China

  8. 我把我的秘密藏在心中。书籍收藏者(藏书家)

    I kept my secret in my bosom . A collector of books .

  9. 绍兴南宋时期私人藏书家述略

    A Brief Account of Private Book Collectors in Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty

  10. 古代苏州藏书家研究述评

    Review on the Ancient Bibliophiles in Suzhou City

  11. 作为学者藏书家的胡适

    On Hu Shi as book collector and scholar

  12. 常熟藏书家与文学

    Book Collectors and Literature in Changshu

  13. 书籍收藏者(藏书家)

    A collector of books .

  14. 阿英是中国著名的文学家、戏剧家、文史家和藏书家。

    A Ying was a famous Chinese litterateur , dramatist , historian and book collector as well .

  15. 李馥是清初福建的一位著名诗人和藏书家。

    FuLi was a famous poet and book collector of Fujian Province in the early Qing Dynasty .

  16. 发扬镇江藏书家绍宗精神,解决藏书楼的利用问题

    Carrying forward Zhenjiang bibliophilist Shao Zong 's spirit to solve the problems in application of the book building

  17. 在古徽州这片土地上以及从古徽州走出去的人之中,曾有非常著名的私人藏书家。

    On the land of ancient Huizhou and among the people of ancient Huizhcu , there were figures well-known for collecting books .

  18. 周作人不仅是中国现代著名的作家和评论家,也是一位有影响的藏书家。

    Zhou Zuoren is not just a famous author and critics in Contemporary History of China , but also an influential bibliophile .

  19. 我国清代福州著名的藏书家,更是一位卓有成就的文献学家、学者和诗人。

    He is a famous bibliophile of Fuzhou in the Qing Dynasty and an accomplished philologist , scholar and poet in our country .

  20. 近代江苏藏书家注重地方文献的收藏,积极维护图书主权,并以自己丰富的藏书经验为近代江苏图书馆的创建、管理作出了贡献。

    Modern Jiangsu book collectors made a contribution to the founding and management of modern Jiangsu libraries for their rich experience in collecting books .

  21. 历代藏书家很多,能保存百年以上的藏书却不多见。

    There are millions of books passed down in history . However , the books that can survive a hundred years or more are rare .

  22. 成千上万个代代相传的民间藏书家,为保存中华民族珍贵的文化遗产做出了巨大贡献。

    Of thousands of generations of civil collection at home , in order to preserve the precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation has made a significant contribution .

  23. 毛晋(1599&1659)是明末清初著名的藏书家兼大出版家。

    Mao Jin ( 1599-1659 ), who was a famous book-collector and great publisher between the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty , was very fond of reading books .

  24. 该文概述南宋时期绍兴私人藏书家藏书盛况,并分析了该时期藏书繁荣的原因。

    The article outlines the grand occasion of book collecting by private book collectors in Shaoxing in Southern Song Dynasty , and explains why book collections were prosperous during that period .

  25. 对20世纪80年代以来古代苏州藏书家的研究成果及我国港台地区有关苏州藏书家的研究成果进行了述评。

    This paper reviews the research achievements of ancient bibliophiles in Suzhou City and the research achievements of Hongkong Area and Taiwan Area on the ancient bibliophiles in Suzhou City since 1980s .

  26. 近代甬籍名中医曹炳章是一位专藏中国医药学典籍的藏书家,他共收藏中国医药学典籍5000余种,是迄今为止有资料可稽的收藏中国医药学文献最多的藏书家。

    Cao Bingzhang ( a modern famous Ningbo native herbalist doctor ) was a bibliophile , with a collection of 5000 high quality Chinese medicine classics , the richest collection known so far .

  27. 徐信符先生是我国近现代学者和著名的藏书家,毕生从事教育事业和藏书编研工作,对广东文教事业的发展作出了卓越贡献。

    Mr. Xu Xinfu , a famous scholar and book collector in modern China , devoted his life to education and the studies and editing of his books in stock , and made great contribution to the development of culture and education in Guangdong .

  28. 三是为了叙述西北作者文献的流传情况,特别是在各省采进本以及江浙藏书家藏书中分布的情况,以了解西北作者文献在其他地区的传播情况。

    The third goal is to narrate the northwest documents to spread the situation , specially to pick the situation in various provinces which the northwest documents as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang province book collector collects books distributes , by understanding the northwest documents in other local dissemination situations .

  29. 纸润墨香&藏书、家刻与女性著述《玉台画史》之成书关系

    The Paper Being Soft and the Ink Being Fragrant & the Correlation of Collection of Books and Family Engraving with the Writing of Painting History of Yutai by a Woman Writer

  30. 广东私家藏书楼和藏书家的地位与贡献

    Private Libraries and Book Collectors in Guangdong and Their Contribution to Chinese Library Science