
  1. 所以藉著王姓女孩生cancer这个机会,我们大家诚心诚意念地藏王菩萨。

    Let 's take helping Miss Wang as an opportunity to recite Earth Store Bodhisattva 's name earnestly and sincerely .

  2. 韩佳,这地藏王大殿有多少年的历史?

    Han Jia , how old is the Dizangwang Hall ?

  3. 在马来西亚,马六甲的弟子传光写了一祈请电邮,要求我手书地藏王菩萨的圣号。

    Disciple Suan Kuang in Melaka , Malaysia wrote me a supplication asking me to write in calligraphy the holy epithet of the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva .

  4. 公元637年,吐蕃王朝藏王松赞干布决定将这座宫殿建在山上。直到17世纪,这座历尽沧桑仍屹立不倒的宫殿得到扩建,终成今日之规模。

    In 637 Emperor Songtsen Gampo decided to build this palace on a hill , and the structure stood until the seventeenth century , when it was incorporated into the foundations of the greater buildings still standing today .