
cáng shū
  • library;collect books;a collection of books;collection of books in a library
藏书 [cáng shū]
  • [collect books] 收藏图书

  • [collection of books in a library] 收藏的图书

  • 这个图书馆的藏书很多

藏书[cáng shū]
  1. 统计分析馆藏优化藏书结构

    Analysing the Statistics of Library and Optimizing the Structure of Collect Books

  2. 整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。

    He found a suit of precious stamps when he clean up his collect books .

  3. 这个图书馆有大量的生物学藏书。

    The library has a large biology section .

  4. 大不列颠图书馆为国家保存被托管藏书。

    The British Library holds its collection in trust for the nation

  5. 约瑟夫·史密斯是个如饥似渴的藏书家。

    Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector .

  6. 感谢不列颠骨疗法学校允许我使用他们的藏书。

    My thanks go to the British School of Osteopathy , for the use of their library .

  7. 图书馆有一份所有藏书的目录,按字母顺序排列。

    The library has a catalogue of all its books , arranged in alphabetical order .

  8. 他把全部藏书捐献给图书馆。

    He presented his whole collection of books to the library .

  9. 这个图书馆藏书约9.3万册。

    This library comprises about 93000 volumes .

  10. 继承藏书虽好,收集藏书更有意义。

    Good as it is to inherit a library , it is better to collect one .

  11. 这个图书馆藏书10万卷。

    This library has 100000 volumes .

  12. 图书馆有分类藏书的目录按照字母顺序编排。

    The library has a catalogue of its books arranged in alphabetical order .

  13. 他有很多珍贵的藏书。

    He has a large collection of valuable books .

  14. 你可以随便使用我的藏书。

    You are welcome to use my library .

  15. 我把我的藏书看得比我的王国还珍贵。

    I prize my library above my kingdom .

  16. 他有藏书的爱好。

    His hobby is book-collecting .

  17. 一阵分享个人藏书照片的新风潮正席卷社交媒体,这种拍下个人藏书的行为叫作“书架自拍”。

    A new trend for sharing photographs of one 's book collection has taken social media by storm , which is dubbed the ' shelfie ' .

  18. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙在她的散文《街头漫步》中描述了在二手书店买书的好处,在那里各种书籍“像斑驳的羽毛一样堆在一起,这种魅力正是图书馆里中规中矩的藏书所欠缺的。”

    In her essay " Street Haunting , " Virginia Woolf described the merits of shopping in secondhand bookstores , where the works " have come together in vast flocks of variegated volumes of the library lack . "

  19. Web方式的家庭藏书管理系统设计思路我想办理一个借书证。

    Design Ideas of Family Collection Management System with Web I 'd like to have a library card .

  20. 正如科技乐观主义者不断指出的,如今我们能免费下载整个美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)的藏书和常青藤盟校(IvyLeague)的课堂授课。

    As the techno-optimists keep pointing out , we can now download the Library of Congress and Ivy League lectures for free .

  21. 藏书管理模式的PDCA分析

    A PDCA Analysis on Management of Library Collections

  22. 对于如饥似渴的书虫们,Oyster可谓天降大礼:它就像一个拥有海量藏书的全天候可定制移动图书馆。

    In theory , the service could be a godsend to avid readers : a turbo-charged , 24-hour Mobile Library & personalized .

  23. 亚伯拉罕•林肯(AbrahamLincoln)年轻时从图书馆借阅了很多书(尽管那座图书馆的藏书有限),他读的书帮助他从一个名不见经传的小人物成长为后来的大人物。

    Abraham Lincoln read a great deal as a youth , albeit from a limited library , and his reading helped to propel him from his obscure origins .

  24. 人们最喜欢买回家放到书架上尘封的藏书是JK罗琳的《哈利波特与火焰杯》,其次是《霍比特人》。

    The book most people are likely to have gathering dust on the shelf is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling , followed by The Hobbit .

  25. 此外还由芬兰藏书票Aboensis组织有选择地分别在Naantali、Raisio和Turku城市展示。

    Furthermore , bookplates will be selectively shown in several exhibitions that will be arranged by Exlibris Aboensis .

  26. 童年时代,艾柯每天都要花好几个小时在祖父的地下室里阅读这位老人五花八门的藏书,其中包括了儒勒·凡尔纳(JulesVerne)、马可·波罗(MarcoPolo)与查尔斯·达尔文(CharlesDarwin)的著作,以及各种冒险漫画。

    As a child , Umberto spent hours every day in his grandfather 's cellar , reading through the older man 's eclectic collection of Jules Verne , Marco Polo and Charles Darwin and adventure comics .

  27. 高校图书馆藏书结构的一个数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Collection Structure in Institute of Higher Learning

  28. 控制藏书速度,保持馆藏稳定;

    Controlling the speed of collection development and maintaining its stability ;

  29. 论信息时代的图书馆古代藏书与前图书馆学的发展考略

    Books Collected in the Ancient Times & Pre - Library Theory

  30. 试析高校图书馆藏书建设在评估两重性影响下的对策

    Countermeasures for collect books construction of university library under education evaluation