
  • 网络amplexus
  1. 日平均气温低于16℃时,不能实现有效抱对。

    Effective embrace will not be realized when the average daily temperature is below 16 ℃ .

  2. 繁殖时的生殖竞争和领域竞争不激烈,错误抱对现象普遍。

    The competition of reproduction and domain were not intense , the mistake hugs took place usually .

  3. 等高双抱杆对抬滑移法二氧化碳再生塔双抱杆抬吊就位技术

    The Placement Technique for CO_2 Regenerated Tower with Double Derrick Crane Method

  4. 其次,要切实进行高等师范院校的教育改革,抱着对中华民族的千秋伟业负责的态度,全面提升师范教育的水平;

    Secondly , we must carry out the educational reform to improve the educational level ;

  5. 抱着对学问的追求与探索,她周游列国,广泛地参与国际性的讨论会。

    In pursuance of her quest for her knowledge she has widely traveled in many countries to attend international seminars .

  6. 别依靠一时冲动,或者仅仅抱着对幻想感受的渴望去做事&你最终没法真正实现它。

    Don 't do anything on a whim or because you want to feel really fancy-it just doesn 't work .

  7. 接着,抱着对这些问题的思考,运用比较研究手段,发掘和总结外国行政指导程序建设的实践过程和先进经验及对我国的启示。

    Then to explore and summarize the advanced experience of administrative guidance procedure construction in foreign countries in a comparison research method .

  8. 本公司一直以来抱着对客户的忠诚,继承了香港达成针织工业机械有限公司原则。

    This company has kept carrying forward the principle to be honesty to all clients of Tat Shing Machinery ( Hongkong ) Co. , Ltd.

  9. 受众群体在三弦书的演出中,抱着对说书艺人职业的偏见与对说书艺术形式的喜爱的矛盾态度,来评价说书艺人,欣赏说书艺术。

    Audience groups which holding on the prejudice to the storytellers and a favorite story-telling art form of ambivalence , evaluate the storytellers , and enjoy storytelling .

  10. 杂剧往往抱着对中原文化传统的怀念和美赞来对文人进行全方位的刻画,呈现出的是才、情、义兼而有之的才子形象。

    Complex dramas usually cherish the memory and admiration of the traditional culture of the central plain of China to illustrate literati from all the aspects , presenting wits of literary , emotion and personal loyalty .

  11. 我宁愿昂着头,怀着不动摇的信念,抱着对祖国前途的真切信心而死,也不愿在屈从之下背弃神圣的原则而生。

    Eg1 : I would rather die with my head high , with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country , than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me .

  12. 熊抱:这对夫妇说因为他们已经认识Stepan很长时间了,因此他的性格极其温顺,而且他很喜欢给人熊抱。

    Bear hug : The couple say that because they have known Stepan so long his temperament is extremely gentle and he enjoys giving hugs .

  13. 但是不要抱着任何对她错误的希望。

    But don 't hold any false hopes concerning her .

  14. 汽车防抱制动装置对制动系可靠性的影响

    The Influence of ABS on Braking System Reliability

  15. 抱着我对我唱摇篮曲。

    Holds me and sings a lullaby .

  16. 我的意思是说,现在父母仍然在用他们的左臂抱孩子,对吗?

    I mean , parents are still carrying their babies in their left arm , right ?

  17. 拉多娜双手抱着这对孪生兄妹,到遥远的地方流浪,经过一些寒冷蛮荒的地方。

    Carrying the twins in her arms , she wandered far away through cold and desolate lands .

  18. 第二产程采用手抱膝位对分娩效果的研究

    A study on effect of pregnant kept in hands holding knees posture during second stage of labor

  19. 结果表明抱辊偏心对变形抗力有影响,辗扩工艺具有不完整的三角形速度场。

    The results show that eccentricity of ring holder affects the deformation resistance that the velocity field is a non-perfect triangular one .

  20. 虽然我不能确保我的兴趣会不会改变,但我知道我会抱着跟对象棋的同样的好奇和激情的态度去为我的未来而奋斗的。

    Although I can not ensure that my interests will remain unchanged , I know that I will approach my future endeavors with the same curiosity and fervor as I do chess and business .

  21. 克利夫抱着一种对任何团体都不能给予优惠的信条。

    Cleveland vigorously pursued a policy barring favors to any economic group .

  22. 有没有过男孩抱着你,对你唱歌?

    Did you ever have a boy hold you close and sing to you ?

  23. 他紧紧地抱着我,对我说,不要离开他。

    He tightly embrace me and said to me , do not leave him .

  24. 徐一向抱独身主义,对女性的兴趣只限于有距离的欣赏,与三个女子都若即若离。

    Xu maintains celibacy throughout ; his interest in women is " limited to appreciation from a distance ," and he is neither close nor distant from the three women .

  25. 当主持人宣布发布会结束的时候,她依然抱着吉他,对歌迷们说:“如果你们喜欢听下去并且有时间,我想再多唱几首。”

    When the host declared the conference over , she was still holding her guitar , saying ," If you have time and love to listen , I 'd love to sing more . "

  26. 采用单纯形法优选抱杆参数,对单点吊整立杆塔的吊点位置、抱杆的长度、倾角和固定钢绳绳角进行合理的优化,从而找到了最优组合。

    This article will present the rational optimization of the hoisted point on a whole stand bar tower of single point hoisting , the length of the pole , and the angle of inclination to find its optimum association .

  27. 我抱了抱儿子,对他说:"我为你感到骄傲。"

    I gave my son a hug and told him , " I 'm so proud of you . "