- 名New international order;the new world order

The trilateral cooperation among China , Russia and India not only improves the environment around China but also fosters the establishment of the new world order .
The Third World with the New International Order in 21 Century
Asia Pacific Regional Cooperation and the Adjustment of International Order
Thoughts on Establishing A New International Order that Is Fair and Rational
China and India : Prospects for Cooperation in a New World Order
New International Order , World Order and New World Order
Defend UN 's authority and establish new international order ;
The prospect of international new order is worrying ;
The Real Basis and Action Standard to Establish and Safeguard International New Order
On the new international order of the 21st century
Adhering to the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence is the political basis ;
Youth Movement for a New International
A new international order should be established with the five principles of peaceful coexistence as norms .
Respecting the diversification of the world is the ideological premise in building the new international order ;
This new international order should reflect the trend of the times ( which is ) characterized by peace and development .
Establishing the system of dialogue and negotiation , diminishing contradictions and seeking cooperation are the dependable guarantee in establishing the new international order .
The bilateral relationship is built on the basis of common interests and is conducive to a more balanced and pluralistic new world order .
The formation and the change of new international order obliges us to strengthen our national defense , so does the mission of our soldiers .
This cooperation exerts great influence on the restructuring of the world order , redounding to the establishing of a balanced , polynary world order .
China 's entry of the WTO and the new awakening of the Third World have provided an opportunity to establish a new world order .
Only by developing a new security concept and establishing a fair and reasonable new international order can world peace and security be fundamentally guaranteed .
For this reason establishment of a new world order should be in line with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other commonly recognized rules .
Establishing a fair and rational new international order and realizing the universal improve-ment of international relations are the fundamental way to eliminate the threat of WMD .
The Third World is the emerging force of economic globalization and it is also the main force pushing forward the establishment of a new world order .
On the other hand , the United States , as part of its effort to bring about a new world order , is determined to engineer an Arab-Israeli peace .
The developing countries are actively pushing forward the establishment of a fair and rational new international order , and playing an important role in the promotion of world peace and development .
And hereby , only the establishment of a just and equal new international regime can help explore a new road to maintain the world peace and the healthy development of the humankind .
In terms of level , the present stage of the harmonious world mainly refers to the international new order . The harmonious world mainly includes four aspects : politics , economy , security , and culture .
China is a responsible country , only in theory and in practice correctly grasp the responsibility to protect , to break the right of western society , and promote the fair and rational new international order form .
Since the end of the Cold War , the world entered a building new international order of the post Cold War era critical periods , Countries are actively adjust the national development strategy to adapt to the new situation .