
ɡuó jiā ɡuǎn lǐ
  • state control
  1. 国家社会主义主张工业应由国家管理。

    State Socialism advocates state control of industry .

  2. 星期五,他们去投票站投票选择他们所期望的国家管理者。

    They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country

  3. 党是国家管理的核心。

    The CCP is the core of the state management .

  4. 论现代国家管理的法治行政

    Administrative Rule by Law in Modern State Management

  5. 传统的经济学理论把关税看作是贸易管制的最重要的手段,对进出口货物征收关税是国家管理对外贸易的最古老的措施之一。

    Traditional economic theories deemed tariff as the most important means to protect national economy .

  6. 国家管理委员会由总理领导,是国家的行政统治和执行机构。

    SAC is headed by a Premier and is the dominant administrative and executive agency .

  7. 刑法意义上的公务仅指具有国家管理性质的公共事务。

    Public duty in the sense of criminal law only refers to the public affairs of state management .

  8. 这两个方面的发展变化导致国家管理模式的变革愈来愈缓慢。

    These two aspects of development and change management model change for the country more and more slowly .

  9. 国家管理者、企业管理者以及公民个人在经济安全中都应当承担相应的道德责任。

    The state administrators , enterprises managers and the citizen individuals should take relative moral responsibility in economic security .

  10. 税收是国家管理经济的一个重要调节杠杆,是进行国家宏观调控政策的重要工具之一,也是国家主要财政收入来源。

    Taxation is an important tool to manage nation 's economy order , controlling macro-economy policies and the main income of country .

  11. 在该段历史时期内,三峡地区的盐业已逐渐纳入国家管理体系之中,较之先秦时代已有了较大的发展。

    During this period , the salt business had gradually been under national control , which achieves greater development than the pre-Qin dynasty .

  12. 从治理工具的角度来把握政府规制,研究规制工具在国家管理实践中的应用是非常必要的。

    It is necessary to master government rules from the aspect of ruling means and study its application in the practice of country management .

  13. 现代公共政策是政党和国家管理社会的工具,其本质是对社会公共利益的权威性分配。

    Modern public policy is a tool by which the party and government manage society , its essence is authoritative distribution of social goods .

  14. 这是人民群众参与国家管理的基本途径,也是保护人民权利的法定方式。

    This is a basic avenue for the mass to participate the state 's managements , and also is the legal mode of protecting their rights .

  15. 2010年选举的日期尚未确定,但39个政党满怀希望准备赢得区域和国家管理机构的席位。

    The date for the2010 elections has not been set , but39 political parties are preparing for campaigns with a hope to win seats in the regional and national governing bodies .

  16. 为构建一个更加公平公正、透明高效的国家管理机构,大多数国家日益重视国家各部门的绩效情况。

    In order to build a more just and equitable , transparent and efficient national regulatory agencies , most countries increasing emphasis on the performance of the various departments of the country .

  17. 义务教育音乐课程标准是国家管理和评价音乐课程的基础,也是音乐教材编写评估和考试命题的依据,对音乐教学也起着指导性的作用。

    It 's both the base of evaluation and management of music curriculum and the bases of writing textbooks and evaluation , testing . In a word , it 's the direction of music teaching .

  18. 依法治国是现代化的国家管理方法,法治他律的威力是巨大的,但是有明显的局限性,不能穷尽社会生活的所有方面和一切层次。

    Administering a country by law is a modern country - administering means . Rule of law , with its tremendous force , still has its own clear limitation , unable to apply to all aspects and levels of social life .

  19. 它作为国家管理商事主体活动的重要手段,不仅赋予商事主体以合法资格,保障其合法权益,而且有利于维护正常的社会经济秩序,保障交易安全。

    As an important means of managing commercial subject activity , it gives commercial subject with the legal qualification , ensures its legitimate rights and interests , and helps to safeguard the normal social economic order , ensures the trade security .

  20. 大量有关沙漠化的研究报告,国家管理部门的综合调查报告,科研单位的集中研究以及各种专业期刊上的研究论文大量涌现。

    There are a large number of papers related to desertification , some of which are integrated investigation reports of government , some are special study of scientific research institute , and a large number papers in a variety of professional journals .

  21. 在管理方面,根据主体的不同,可以分为知识产权的国家管理、科研机构管理和企业管理。在对这三方管理的完善上,应将它们放在同等重要的地位上。

    According to the different subjects , the IP management can be divided into national IP management , scientific research institution IP management and enterprise IP management which also should be treated equally during the improvement of the three kinds of IP management .

  22. 文章分析了我国科技中介机构面临的问题,提出了在市场化的前提下,通过完善国家管理机制、机构自身建设来完成发展科技中介机构的目的。

    This paper analyzes on the problems faced by our country 's sci-tech intermediary , and puts forward that the target of developing sci-tech intermediary should be fulfilled through perfecting the self-construction of the national management mechanism and organization under the precondition of the marketing .

  23. 环境挑战非常重大,但坦桑尼亚国家公园管理局的努力似乎正在取得成效。

    The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off .

  24. 朱莉·赫顿�约克郡谷地国家公园管理局(YorkshireDalesNationalParkAuthority)

    Julie Hutton , Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

  25. 排污收费是国家环境管理的重要经济手段,具有强制性。

    Imposing discharge fee is a compulsorily economic measure in environmental management .

  26. 甚至负责管理大部分储备的国家外汇管理局(safe)也在上周承认,该局正在论证新的方法。

    Even the body that manages the bulk of the reserves , the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) , admitted last week that it was debating new approaches .

  27. 急切等待这一全球经济实力转移象征的观察人士,上周五抓住了中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)局长易纲的一句话。

    Observers eagerly awaiting what will be a symbol of shifting global economic power on Friday seized on a remark by Yi Gang , director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , about China 's growth prospects .

  28. 据知情人士表示,中国国家外汇管理局已同意向TPG最新基金投资逾25亿美元。这可能是迄今为止对私人股本公司做出的最大投资承诺。

    China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange has agreed to invest more than $ 2.5bn in the latest TPG fund , in what could be the largest commitment ever made to a private equity firm , people familiar with the matter say .

  29. 国家标准管理办法

    The Design of Tax Controled Device Management Methods for National Standard

  30. 行政区划是指国家行政管理的区域组织系统。

    Administrative partition denotes the regional organization system of national administration .