
  • 网络State Administration of Religious Affairs;State Administration for Religious Affairs
  1. 如果主角是个和尚,或是故事背景设在寺庙和教堂,那你还要征得国家宗教事务局的许可。

    If the hero is a monk or the setting is a temple or a church , the script will also require a permit from the State Administration for Religious Affairs .

  2. 原国家宗教事务局副局长陈宗荣表示,白皮书反映了中国在实现保障人权这一目标上的发展变化。

    Former Deputy Chief of the State Administration for Religious Affairs , Chen Zongrong , says the white paper also reflects what 's been happening in China the broader goal of protecting human rights .

  3. 中国国家宗教事务局副司长刘威上个月在一次新闻发布会上说,如果当地旅游开发公司试图利用宗教资源,该局将持反对意见。

    Liu Wei , deputy director of China 's State Administration for Religious Affairs , said in a press conference last month that the agency would object to local tourism development firms that try to exploit religious resources .