
  • 网络Market Orientation;Market-oriented;market-orientation;Market-driven
  1. 市场导向和企业绩效de因果关系研究

    A Study on the Causal Relation Between Market Orientation and Business Performance

  2. 基于动态管理能力观的市场导向、创新决策与创新绩效之机理研究亚硝胺和亚硝基脲导致DNA横向交联作用机理关键差异的理论研究

    The Relationship of Market Orientation , Innovation Strategy and New Products Development Performance , Based on the Dynamic Management Capabilities Theory Theoretical Researches on the Key Differences between the Mechanism of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks Induced by Nitrosamines and Nitrosoureas

  3. OECD的一篇工作报告指出,外国直接投资在理论上可以分为两种类型,即市场导向型的外国直接投资和出口导向型的外国直接投资。

    As mentioned in an OECD working report , theory classifies FDI into two types : market-oriented and export-oriented FDI .

  4. 文章首先采用与市场导向观念相呼应的TOWS检验,客观分析中国本土超市的外部、内部竞争环境,强调本土超市在了解自身优势和劣势之前,应认真审视其所面临的市场威胁与机会。

    Firstly , native supermarkets ' external and internal competition environment has been examined with TOWS analysis that consists with the market-oriented conception .

  5. Zingales相信,这和政治上对资本主义的争论都是一种病态,资本主义已不再是争论热点,取而代之的是对特别利益团体和那些根本就不相信真正市场导向体制的人的热议。

    This , he believes , is part of the same malaise that has befallen the political debate on capitalism , which has been taken over by special interests and people who have no faith in a real market-based system .

  6. 变非盈利政府依赖型目标为市场导向的服务、盈利双重目标;

    The second is to change the non - profit aim ;

  7. 房地经济的市场导向与绿色节能建筑

    The Market Direction of Real Estate Economy and Green Energy-saving Buildings

  8. 军人待遇的市场导向与政策选择

    On the market guidance and policy selection of armyman 's treatment

  9. 企业组织氛围对市场导向的影响研究

    The Research on the Influence of Organizational Climate on Market Orientation

  10. 出口市场导向的前因变量与绩效结果研究

    A Study on Antecedents and Performance Consequence of Export Market Orientation

  11. 银行导向型和市场导向型金融体系的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Financial Systems between Bank Leading and Market Leading

  12. 市场导向与技术创新的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Market Orientation and Technology Innovation

  13. 市场导向的高新技术产业人才结构优化研究

    Research on the Talent Structure Optimization in High-Tech Industry of Market Orientation

  14. 随着中国经济变得愈发具有市场导向,波动性上升是不可避免的。

    As the economy becomes increasingly market-driven , greater volatility is inevitable .

  15. 市场导向下的顾客价值测量方法研究

    A Study of Customer Value Measurement Based on Market Orientation

  16. 创新导向与市场导向的融合&一个实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Combination of Innovation and Market Orientation

  17. 市场导向型业务流程重组实施模型研究

    D shape . Implementing model for market-oriented business process reengineering

  18. 中国情景下的非营利组织市场导向结构研究

    Study on the Construct of Market Orientation of China 's Nonprofit Organizations

  19. 渠道成员间关系层市场导向的影响因素研究

    Study on Determinants of Relational Market Orientation between Channel Members

  20. 高新技术企业市场导向型战略及战略绩效评价研究

    A Study on Market-Orientated Strategy and Strategic Performance Appraisal of High-Tech Enterprises

  21. 营销创新对市场导向和营销绩效间关系的中介效应研究

    Research on Medi-Effect of Marketing Innovation between Market Orientation and Marketing Performance

  22. 市场导向企业文化对企业绩效作用机制实证研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Market Orientation to Firm Performance

  23. 利益相关者理论的组合市场导向研究

    Combinatorial Market Orientation Study on Stake - Group Theory

  24. 从市场导向到引导市场:营销观念的转变需求导向的旅游营销战略与渠道策略变革研究

    Research on the Demand Oriented Turnaround of Tourism Marketing Strategy and Channel Policy

  25. 市场导向下多品种生产企业生产决策支持系统

    Research on the Production Decision Support System for Multiple_products Factories Guided by Market

  26. 基于市场导向的全面创新机制及绩效实证研究

    Empirical Study in the Mechanism of Total Innovation and Performance Base on Marketing-oriented

  27. 第三方物流企业市场导向度对绩效影响的实证研究

    The Effects of Market Orientation on Performance in TPL

  28. 转型经济下市场导向型战略影响因素分析

    A Study of Antecedents to Market-orientation in Transitional Economy

  29. 产业转型要由传统的资源导向型的思维向市场导向型思维转变;

    The industrial transformation demands traditional resources-leading thought to be a market one ;

  30. 市场导向、竞争优势与组织绩效关系研究

    Market Orientation , Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance