
  • 网络Market Expansion
  1. 市场扩张若干理论问题探讨语音学理论

    A Study on Some Theoretical Issues on Market Expansion Phonetic Theory

  2. 中国特许经营市场扩张风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Market Expansion of China 's Franchising Enterprises

  3. 同一年,Facebook走出大学校园,开始向高中生和国际市场扩张。

    That same year , Facebook expands beyond colleges to high schools and goes international .

  4. Airbnb已与中国宽带产业基金(ChinaBroadbandCapital)及红杉中国(SequoiaChina)建立合作关系,以帮助这一公寓分享应用向中国市场扩张。

    Airbnb has formed a partnership with China Broadband Capital and Sequoia China to help the apartment-sharing app expand into the Chinese market .

  5. 任何一个跨国公司的CEO展望未来时总离不开两大核心目标,即适应数字化不断普及的世界以及向中国等成长型市场扩张。

    For any Global CEO looking to the future , two main objectives are coping with the increasingly digital world and expanding into growing markets , namely China .

  6. 当公司寻求在新兴市场扩张时,他们将需要那些拥有商业知识和跨国环境经历的MBA学员。

    As companies look to expand in emerging markets , they will need MBAs who have both the business knowledge and the ability to navigate multicultural situations .

  7. EO集团建立了良好且一贯的增长战略,使其在加强本国核心业务的同时还能向新兴市场扩张。

    EO Group established a good and consistent growth strategy to strengthen its core business in the emerging markets while the expansion .

  8. 其次是长虹公司内部资源与能力的分析,包括核心竞争力分析研究,SWOT分析等。接着是在以上分析研究的基础上,提出长虹公司的发展战略,战略分:产品、市场扩张战略;

    Secondly it is to the analysis of the resource and ability inside Changhong Company , including the key competitiveness is analyzed and researched , the value chain analyzed , SWOT analysis , etc.

  9. 另一项是设法在美国衍生品市场扩张。不过,这家新集团的首席执行官约翰•塞恩(JohnThain)表示,他预计近期内不会有重大收购。

    The other is to find ways to expand in the derivatives market in the US – although John Thain , chief executive , said he did not expect an important acquisition in the near term .

  10. 公司首席执行官马丁兰姆(martinlamb)在最近一次投资者说明会上指出,这将是imi在华的第一家合资企业,该公司正积极向新兴市场扩张。

    This will be the first joint venture for IMI in China and is part of a strategy to expand into emerging markets Martin lamb , chief executive outlined at recent investor presentations .

  11. 然而SeanKim表示,该公司必须进一步向西方市场扩张,以实现到2020年跻身全球5大品牌的长期目标,同时成为亚洲头号化妆品公司。

    Mr Kim says however that the company must expand further into western markets to achieve its long-term vision of joining the top five global brands by 2020 as well as becoming the number one cosmetics company in Asia .

  12. 2015年第一季度,Netflix新增注册人数达到了创纪录的490万人,从而将这家视频流服务公司的全球用户人数推升至6000万以上。该公司正在以激进的步伐向国际市场扩张,并在大举增加原创节目。

    Netflix added a record 4.9m subscribers in the first quarter of 2015 , lifting the streaming video company 's global base above 60m as it rolls out an aggressive expansion of its international footprint and original programming .

  13. 像DST、创业基金YCombinator这样的企业(包括处于发展晚期和发展早期)正在将过去非风投消费者转化为风投消费者,以实现市场扩张。

    Firms like DST and Y combinator are expanding the market by converting previous non-consumers of venture capital into consumers ( at both the very late and very early stages ) and growing the market as a result .

  14. 不过他说,顾客的接受程度已经超过预期,公司计划在几个主要市场扩张Roastery,纽约是首选地之一。

    But he said results had exceeded expectations and the company plans to roll out Roasteries in a few major markets , with New York high on its list .

  15. 我们必须迎合国内市场扩张的需要。

    We are having to cater for an expanding home market .

  16. 向国外市场扩张如今已是每天的例行工作。

    Geographic expansion is now the order of the day .

  17. 法拉帝计划在巴西、印度和其他新兴市场扩张。

    Ferretti plans to expand in Brazil , India and other emerging markets .

  18. 麦当劳依然在欧洲市场扩张,这推高了实际销售额。

    McDonald 's is still expanding across Europe , pushing up actual sales .

  19. 《案例》:A公司在中国发展问题的剖析&市场扩张与组织结构设计

    Analyzing development issue of company A in China & Market expansion and organization structure desig

  20. 同时,随着公司向国外市场扩张,资本支出可能飞涨。

    And as the company moves into foreign markets , the capital expenditures will spike .

  21. 实施市场扩张战略。分别从战略实施的步骤和要点进行了论述。

    The market expanding strategy .

  22. 《瑜珈杂志》现在正在授权一个俄罗斯版本,并正准备向其他国际市场扩张。

    Yoga Journal is now licensing a Russian edition and preparing to expand in other international markets .

  23. 就公司目前具体情况而言,应实施市场扩张能力和技术创新能力双向组合的升级方式。

    The company should implement two-way combination of market expansion and technological innovation capability to upgrade at now .

  24. 随着越来越多的城市实行禁摩,摩托车企业的市场扩张举步维艰。

    With more and more cities banning motorcycles , it is very hard for motorcycle enterprises to expand their markets .

  25. 此次招聘是印孚瑟斯建立文化多样性团队、以支持海外市场扩张的战略的一部分。

    The recruitment is part of Infosys ' strategy to build a culturally diverse team to support expansion in overseas markets .

  26. 而德国实业家将试图通过保持技术优势以及在中国和其它新兴市场扩张,智胜中国企业。

    German industrialists will try to outsmart them by maintaining their technological edge and expanding in China and other emerging markets .

  27. 目前外资越来越快地在我国日化市场扩张,由最初的合资模式发展成并购。

    Currently foreign investments expand the market from the initial joint-venture model into mergers and acquisitions in China at faster and faster .

  28. 对于电子商务领域之外的其它中国互联网公司而言,向海外市场扩张似乎要艰难得多。

    For Chinese internet companies in segments other than e-commerce , expanding beyond their home markets appears a much more daunting challenge .

  29. 20世纪80年代以来,以市场扩张为中心的经济全球化带来了世界性的经济结构调整,全球性产业结构重新调整和分工的趋势越来越明显。

    From the 1980 's , economic globalization that focuses on market extension brings adjustment of economic structure all over the world .

  30. 分析师称,这部分增长并不是从日本本土竞争者手里夺走的,而是由向中国的平行出口推动的纯粹市场扩张。

    This was not grabbed from domestic competitors , say analysts , but pure market expansion driven by parallel exports to China .