
ɡè rén zì yóu
  • personal freedom;personal liberty
  1. 绝对个人自由的观念是一种幻想。

    The idea of absolute personal freedom is an illusion .

  2. 相同地,Tor是一个免费的软件&保护你不被威胁个人自由和隐私,免于网络监视。

    Similarly , Tor is free software that defends you against Internet surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy .

  3. 联合国秘书长谈到保证个人自由和人权的必要性。

    The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights .

  4. 介入总统亲自出面处理这场危机。standfor代表,表示UN是联合国的缩写。独裁意味着否定个人自由。

    Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom .

  5. 希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)也表示,美国担心匈牙利人的个人自由受到威胁。

    Hillary Clinton has voiced US misgivings about threats to individual freedoms .

  6. 桑托勒姆和妻子卡伦(karen)在自己的网站上发布了联合声明,解释道,继续募集资金是为了维护个人自由。

    In a joint statement with his wife , Karen , Mr Santorum explained on his website that his ongoing fundraising efforts represented a bid for personal freedom .

  7. 革命稳固的根本在于法律控制下的个人自由(G.M.特里维廉)

    The keynote of the revolution settlement was personal freedom under the law ( G.M. Trevelyan )

  8. 难道你准备放弃所有的个人自由?

    Are you going to give up all this personal freedom ?

  9. 在历史上,古希腊人是无个人自由的。

    In the history , ancient Greeks have no individual liberty .

  10. 新公共管理强调政治中个人自由的重要性。

    NPM make a strong point of individual liberty in politics .

  11. 论社会公正与个人自由的内在关联

    On the Inherent Relation between Social Justice and Individual Freedom

  12. 个人自由和权利的最大司法化保护

    The Maximum Protection of Jurisdiction for Individual Freedom and Rights

  13. 马克思视域中的个人自由与社会自由

    Individual Freedom and Social Freedom in the view of Marx

  14. 个人自由,想做什么就做什么的不可剥夺的权利。

    Personal freedom , the inalienable right to do anything you want .

  15. 他说:保护我们的个人自由最终需要集体行动。

    Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action , he said .

  16. 保护我们的个人自由,最终需要所有人的共同努力。

    The preserving are individual freedoms ultimately requires collective actions .

  17. 发展及个人自由的扩大有助于实现这一目标。

    Development and the advancement of personal freedoms do this .

  18. 二是研究人员缺乏个人自由。

    The other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker .

  19. 舆论正倾向于维护更大的个人自由。

    The stream of public opinion is tending towards greater personal freedom .

  20. 市民社会是国家权威和个人自由的缓冲地带。

    Civil society is the buffer zone of state authority and individual freedom .

  21. 国会无权干扰个人自由。

    Congress has no right to interfere with a fellow 's personal liberty .

  22. 他们认为,有关服装的条款限制了个人自由,是无法接受的。

    They maintain that rules about dress are unacceptable limitation of personal freedom .

  23. 保护个人自由并不是法律的唯一目的。

    It is not the sole purpose of law to protect individual liberty .

  24. 预防犯罪应当注意对个人自由权利的保护

    While Preventing Crimes , We Should Center on Protection of Individual Right of Liberty

  25. 两千年来,缺乏个人自由并未阻碍中国的发展。

    For two millennia this lack of personal freedom did not impede its development .

  26. 这个制度的特征是个人自由。

    This system is characterized by individual freedom .

  27. 法律之下的自由是个人自由和社会自由的统一。

    Liberty under the law is the unification of individual liberty and social liberty .

  28. 他支持大众民主和个人自由。

    He supported popular democracy and individual liberty .

  29. 上流社会不接受的一个词;对个人自由的不可接受的侵害。

    A word unacceptable in polite society ; an unacceptable violation of personal freedom .

  30. 犹他州人也是西部人,对个人自由有广泛尊重。

    Utahans are also Westerners , people with a wide respect for individual liberty .