
zhī pèi quán
  • Dominance;right to control;eminent domain;hegemony;right to dispose of that which is in their possession
支配权[zhī pèi quán]
  1. 在现代企业制度下,在非公企业中,产权关系的性质使党组织失去了在公有制企业中对经济资源的支配权和行政处置权。

    Under modern enterprise system , the property relationship character makes the eminent domain and administration that Party organization has lose in the non-public enterprises .

  2. 虚拟财产权符合对物的支配权特征,因此,虚拟财产权属于物权。

    The virtual property righ is the right of eminent domain to res , therefore , virtual property right is real right .

  3. 尽管在地理上彼此依存,两省却长期为获取政治支配权你争我夺。

    Although geographically linked , the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy

  4. 平等者之间无支配权可言。

    An equal has no dominion over another equal .

  5. 本文确定n≤5时An型量子群的基本模V(λ)(即λ是基本支配权)的典范基。

    Canonical basis for fundamental modules of quantum group of type A_n when n ≤ 5 are determined in this paper .

  6. 现在,智能手机和平板电脑的兴起威胁并侵蚀个人电脑的支配权,并引发人们关于“后PC”时代最终降临的讨论。

    Now the rise of smartphones and tablet computers threatens to erode the PC 's dominance , prompting talk that a " post-PC " era is finally dawning .

  7. 债权之所有权、对物支配权与物权辨析

    Ownership of Claims , Domination in Rem and Real Right Analysis

  8. 它只能是某些特定资源的使用权、控制权和支配权。

    It is only rights to control and use specific resources .

  9. 用户想要得到的,越来越不仅仅是互动和支配权。

    Users increasingly want more than just interaction and influence .

  10. 支配权,处置权,处置的自由。

    The power or liberty to control , direct , or dispose .

  11. 支配权愚蠢地对它的享乐权自我炫耀。

    The right to possess boasts foolishly of its right to enjoy .

  12. 其性质上属于财产权,具有绝对权和支配权的性质。

    This right is of property character and is an absolute right .

  13. 难道我对自己的生活毫无支配权?

    Do I have no say in my own life ?

  14. 重构可以帮助你赢回对代码的支配权。

    Refactoring will help you win back the command over your code .

  15. 他们试图获得对这笔生意的支配权。

    They have made a bid to gain control of the business .

  16. (对机构、地方、体系等的)控制权,支配权这次改组涉及龙森先生放弃对公司的控制权。

    The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company .

  17. 公认的事实是:超级大国都在各自寻求世界范围的支配权。

    It is accepted that the superpowers are each seeking world wide domination .

  18. 清代妇女嫁妆支配权的考察

    A Study on Women 's Right to Control Their Dowry in Qing Dynasty

  19. 通过法律程序取得某物的支配权的行为。

    The taking possession of something by legal process .

  20. 在其他公司投资的公司(占有支配权)。

    A company that invests in ( acquires control of ) other companies .

  21. 产权即财产权,既包括财产所有权又包括财产支配权或经营权。

    Property rights include property ownership and property dominant rights or managerial authority .

  22. 但债权人对于债务人的财产没有直接的支配权。

    The creditor has no right to dominate the property of the debtor directly .

  23. 那是涉及在她身上已经滋生了的具备支配权的优势寄生物种。

    It is related to her prior infestation by the dominant parasitical species here .

  24. 你对这个账户有唯一的支配权

    you had sole control over the account .

  25. 上帝对他所有的造物都有支配权。

    God has dominion over all his creatures .

  26. 配偶权是身份权、相对权、兼具支配权与请求权的性质。

    Spouse right is identity right relative right , both domination and claim nature .

  27. 我正竭力维护自己对生活的支配权。

    I was asserting control over my life .

  28. 他们从罗马人的控制下夺取了东方海面的支配权。

    They had wrested the command of the eastern seas from the control of Rome .

  29. 但他们在一些问题上有自由支配权,其中包括多久为他们的投资组合进行一次估值。

    But they have discretion in matters that include how often to value their portfolios .

  30. 经理人员越来越多的控制了企业资产的支配权。

    Managers tend to control the assets .