
  • 网络order of payment;payment order;payment order/warrant
  1. 支付令能够送达债务人的。

    The order of payment can be sent and reach the debtor .

  2. (二)支付令能够送达债务人的。

    And ( 2 ) the order of payment can be served on the debtor .

  3. 关于工会经费支付令的思考

    Payment Order of Trade Union 's Funds

  4. 从立法上明确规定劳动争议调解协议是民事合同;仲裁阶段如何认定调解协议的效力,法律应有明确的规定:完善支付令在调解协议中的实施。

    Explicit regulations of labor dispute mediation agreement is civil contract , and perfecting the payment in the conciliation agreement .

  5. 支付令自行失效,债权人可以起诉。

    And , with it , the order of payment shall automatically cease to be in force and the creditor may bring a suit .

  6. 债务人在前款规定的期间不提出异议又不履行支付令的,债权人可以向人民法院申请执行。

    Where the debtor fails to raise objections in writing and refuses to carry out the order of payment , the creditor may request the people 's court to execute the order .

  7. 扣押债权通知:由法院做出的,查封另一方当事人持有的财产,金钱或者银行帐户并且用于支付债务人债务的令。

    Writ of garnishment-An order of the court whereby property , money , or credits in the possession of another person may be seized and applied to pay a debtor 's debt .