
  • 网络Ability-to-pay principle;Ability to pay principle;ability-toprinciple
  1. 有能力偿还到期的债务。负税能力原则;纳税的支付能力原则;课税的支付能力原则

    The ability to meet maturing obligations as they come due . ability-to-pay principle of taxation

  2. 负税能力原则;纳税的支付能力原则;课税的支付能力原则关税作为保护手段原则

    Ability-to-pay principle of taxation rule of customs duties as means of protection

  3. 在社会主义初级阶段,高等教育成本的分担应考虑受益原则和支付能力原则二个方面。

    In the elementary of the socialism , sharing responsibility for education cost should consist of profit and endurance .

  4. 从支付能力原则来看,当前的农民负担不但超过了其自身的承受能力,而且还具有累退性;

    Ac-cording to the principle of pay ability , the peasants'burden is not only much more , but also regressive ;

  5. 卫生筹资的公平性应遵循支付能力原则,而卫生服务提供的公平性则应遵循可及性原则、需要原则和健康原则。

    The equity of Health financing is according to payable ability , while the equity of health supply is for access , need and health .