
  • 网络income effect;Expenditure Effect
  1. 我国GDP长期增长中公共支出效应的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Long run Effect of Public Expenditure on Economic Growth

  2. 本文通过对我国财政政策的支出效应、税收效应和公债效应的综合评价分析了我国财政政策的效果,并提出了进一步完善的思路。

    In order that positive financial policy run well , it is necessary to make an comprehensive analysis of the effect of financial policy .

  3. 为了考察调整成本对公共支出效应的影响,本文对中国公共支出与经济增长展开了时间序列和横截面的经验分析。

    To investigate the effect of adjustment cost upon the result of PE , we in this article have made an empirical analysis of China 's PE and economic growth in terms of time series and cross - section .

  4. 论军费支出乘数效应的性质与作用

    On the nature and function of the multiplier effect of military expenditure

  5. 财政支出政策效应的时变参数分析

    Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Expenditure Effectiveness with Time-Varying Parameter Model

  6. 军事行政消耗性支出的效应分析

    An analysis of the effect of military administration expenses

  7. 第二部分和第三部分着重对所得税税式支出进行效应分析,本文以经济效应分析为主。

    The second part and the third part is the effectiveness analysis of income tax expenditure , and mainly the economic effectiveness analysis .

  8. 家庭财富对个人消费支出的效应有据可查,但从统计上看,股价对私人资本投资也有十分重大的影响。

    The household wealth effect on personal consumption expenditures has been documented , but stock prices have a statistically highly significant impact on private capital investment as well .

  9. 同时实证结果对我国1998年以来的积极财政政策的效果给予了支持:增加财政支出的效应很大程度上被同期税收收入的增长所抵消,财政政策对产出的贡献并不像预期的那么显著。

    Also , the results give support to the effects of the expansionary fiscal policy since 1998 : the effects are not as significant as expected , as the effects from government spending are partly counteracted by tax revenue .

  10. 国防需求作为社会需求的一个重要组成部分,其规模的扩展或压缩,通过支出乘数效应,对国民经济的运行起到一定的调节作用。

    Firstly , the demand of national defense is an important part of the gross social demand , and by the multiplication effect of payout , the changes of its scale will to a certain extent regulate the economy 's operation .

  11. 我国公共卫生支出规模与效应的分析

    Analysis of Scales and Effects of Public Health Expenditure In China

  12. 我国公共卫生支出的发展效应分析

    Review on Development Effects of Public Health Expenditure in China

  13. 论财政支出的就业效应

    A General Research of Financial Expenditure Effects on Employment

  14. 研究结果表明,低收入群体消费支出的收入效应最小且受收入不确定性产生的负面效应最为明显。

    The results show that for low-income groups , the effect of income uncertainty is most obvious .

  15. 本文侧重从如何提高社会养老保险金支出的分配效应及降低支出管理成本的角度进行阐述。

    The article probes into raising the distribution effect of social pension insurance payment and reducing payment management costs .

  16. 基于我国国家安全环境,讨论了中国国防支出的经济效应;

    Based on the national security environment of China , this chapter discusses the effect of defense expenditure on economic growth .

  17. 另外,对基尼系数变化的分解表明,结构效应具有促进系数增大的作用,而个人经费支出对结构效应的影响最大。

    Within the changing of the Gini Coefficient , the structure effect can promote the increasing of the Gini Coefficient , also the individual outlay affects the structure effect mostly .

  18. 对公共卫生支出经济增长效应进行定量分析能够避免公共卫生支出中一些不必要的问题的发生,并有助于政府确定公共卫生支出的适度规模,避免支出的越位和缺位。

    The quantitative analysis of the economic growth effect can help us avoid some unnecessary problems in the use of public health expenditure , and decide the proper scale of public health expenditure .

  19. 投资者已开始担心赤字和大规模政府支出的通胀效应,同时他们还担心各央行应对通胀的速度会太过缓慢。

    Investors are beginning to fret about the inflationary effects of deficits and large amounts of government spending , and worries are creeping in that the central banks will be too slow to tackle inflation .

  20. 另外,论文采用定量与定性分析相结合的方法,尤其是在分析我国生态补偿机制财政支出与收入效应时,采用了定量分析方法并构建计量模型,可能成为创新点。

    In addition , the paper uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods , especially in the analysis of the ecological compensation mechanism and revenue expenditure , the use of quantitative analysis and econometric model building may become innovation .

  21. 公共卫生支出的经济效应是指公共卫生支出对经济的影响,公共卫生支出的效率、公平效应、经济增长效应分析是本文研究的三大主题。

    The economic effect of public health expenditure is public health expenditure 's effects on a country 's economy . The efficiency , the equality effect and the economic growth effect of public health expenditure are the three main topics of this dissertation .

  22. 政府公共支出的收入分配效应研究&基于VAR模型的检验

    Study on Income Distribution Effect of Government Public Expenditure : Based on VAR Model

  23. 绩效预算对泰国公共支出的动态因果效应:一种再检验

    The Causal Dynamic Effects of Performance-based Budget on Thai Public Spending : A Re-examination

  24. 财政科技与教育支出的经济增长效应是经济学界研究的重要问题。

    Currently there are many literatures on the issue of the economic effect of fiscal technology and education expenditure .

  25. 这有两个原因:首先,在现阶段,社会保障支出的“挤入效应”大于“挤出效应”;

    The first reason is that the extrusion effect of the social security expenditure is more than the pressing of it .

  26. 几项研究表明,低利率的扩张性效应通常比减少政府支出的紧缩性效应更为突出。

    Several studies show that the expansionary effect of lower interest rates has often outweighed the contractionary effect of lower government spending .

  27. 第三节中国公共支出公平的社会效应评价,对中国公共支出公平性与社会发展进行了实证分析。

    Section ⅲ Evaluation on social effect of China public expenditure equity , empirically analyzes the public expenditure equity and social development .

  28. 转型背景下政府公共支出的经济发展效应是公共经济领域关注的基本问题。

    The effect of economic development of government public expenditures on the background of economic institutional transition is a fundamental issue in the field of public economy .

  29. 考虑到增税(以支撑政府的支出)的就业效应,政府在基础设施方面的支出是否还能否带来帮助?这存在着高度的不确定性。

    It is highly uncertain whether government spending on infrastructure would help , after taking into account the employment effects of the higher tax rates to pay for it .

  30. 首先,复苏严重依赖于政府刺激,在今年早些时候的税项减免和资金划拨实施之后,支出方面的提振效应现在开始显现。

    First , it is heavily reliant on government stimulus , with the spending side now beginning to kick in after boosts from tax breaks and transfers earlier in the year .