
  1. 相关消息来源透露该系统将基于原有的电话支付宝功能

    Pertinent information source divulges this system be on original telephone call to pay the function .

  2. 本月早些时候,阿里巴巴开始向PC用户收取支付宝交易费,但仍免收手机支付服务费。

    Earlier this month Alibaba also started charging PC users for Alipay transactions , but kept its payment services free on phones .

  3. 支付宝和中国的大银行达成合作,并且和中国邮政(ChinaPost)签署了长期协议,如此一来,客户即使没有借记卡或者银行卡,也可以通过中国邮政遍布各地的66000家邮局向支付宝账户汇款。

    Alipay formed partnerships with leading Chinese banks and signed a long-term agreement with China Post , which meant customers without a debit or bank card could fund their Alipay accounts at any of its 66000 offices .

  4. 这种转变标志着其与支付宝(Alipay,由阿里巴巴旗下的金融公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)运营的支付服务)之间的市场份额争夺战出现部分降级。

    The shift marks a partial de-escalation of its market-share battle with Alipay , the payment service run by Alibaba 's financial affiliate Ant Financial .

  5. 由于支付宝使用很广泛——中国大城市里几乎人人都用它——为了在中国站稳脚跟,ApplePay可能必须得与阿里巴巴分享利润。

    Because of Alipay 's ubiquity - almost everyone in China 's big cities uses it - Apple Pay might have to share profits with Alibaba in order to get a foothold in China .

  6. 在JuniperResearch研究报告的撰写人温莎•霍尔登(WindsorHolden)看来,支付宝的交易总额“看起来非常高”。

    The Alipay totals " seem very high , " according to Windsor Holden , the author of the Juniper Research report .

  7. 本周二,Stripe开始向(来自中国大陆的)用户提供使用支付宝账户付款这个选项,朝着实现上面这个愿景迈出了一大步。

    On Tuesday , their company is taking a big step toward that vision by integrating the Chinese payment giant Alipay into its services .

  8. 支付宝和微信支付是中国规模最大的两种数字支付服务,它们都警告称:小偷正利用受攻击的苹果ID账号购买商品。

    China 's two largest digital payments services , Alipay and WeChat Pay , have warned that thieves are using compromised Apple IDs to make purchases with people 's accounts .

  9. 万豪今年开始在其中国酒店以及位于一些国际性城市的酒店接受支付宝(Alipay)付款。支付宝是由阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的金融子公司运营的移动支付服务。

    Marriott began accepting Alipay , the mobile payment service run by Alibaba Group 's financial affiliate , in its China hotels and some international locations this year .

  10. 此外,该公司还与优步(Uber)签署协议,以允许其中国客户在全球用支付宝付款。

    The company has also signed a deal with Uber to allow its Chinese customers to pay using Alipay globally .

  11. 肯德基将是第三家接受支付宝的大型零售商,此前沃尔玛(Walmart)和家乐福(Carrefour)已在今年开始接受支付宝。

    KFC will be the third big retailer to accept Alipay after Walmart and Carrefour began doing so this year .

  12. 支付宝及其竞争对手微信支付(WeChatPay,隶属于腾讯(Tencent))的大多数用户,在支付时所用的钱都来自于与其移动钱包挂钩的传统银行账户。

    Most users of Alipay , and rival WeChat Pay owned by Tencent , fund their payments by linking their traditional bank accounts to mobile wallet apps .

  13. 支付宝网站是国内先进的网上支付平台,由全球最佳B2B公司阿里巴巴公司创办,致力于为网络交易用户提供优质的安全支付服务。

    It was founded by the best B2B Company , Alibaba Company , devoted to providing high quality safe payment service for network transaction customers .

  14. 目前支付宝是一款独立的电子设备应用软件,消费者支付时需要打开支付宝app,然后扫描商家提供的二维码进行支付。

    Currently Alipay is a separate app on the devices . When customers pay , they need to open the Alipay app , then scan a QR code provided by the retailer .

  15. 由腾讯微信(WeChat)及阿里巴巴支付宝(Alipay)引领的二维码支付让现金显得过时。

    Payments via QR codes , led by Tencent 's WeChat and Alibaba 's Alipay , are making cash obsolete .

  16. 马云旗下的支付宝(Alipay)是独立于阿里巴巴的另一家公司,负责处理阿里巴巴平台上的几乎所有交易。

    Ma owns Alipay , a separate company from Alibaba that handles almost all the transactions on Alibaba 's marketplaces .

  17. 内嵌支付宝、财付通、Paypal的支付系统,支持人民币、欧元、美元的收款业务。

    Embedded Alipay , TenPay , Paypal payment system to support the yuan , the euro , the dollar 's collection business .

  18. 根据该协议,在优步有业务的68个国家内,优步中国用户将可使用支付宝以人民币付款。支付宝是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下金融公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)运营的在线支付服务平台。

    The deal will allow Chinese users of Uber to pay in renminbi using Alipay , the online payment service run by Alibaba 's financial affiliate Ant Financial , across the 68 countries in which Uber operates .

  19. 如第一张图表所示,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的支付宝(Alipay)是最多消费者经常使用的支付手段——有79.5%的受访者选择了这一选项。

    Alibaba 's Alipay was the most frequently used payment platform , cited by 79.5 per cent of respondents , as the first chart shows .

  20. 上周,雅虎总裁CB为了消除股市分析家的担虑,称雅虎将从投资证券组里得到失去支付宝相应的补偿。

    Last week , Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz reassured stock market analysts that Yahoo will be " appropriately compensated " for the loss of Alipay from its investment portfolio .

  21. 今年8月,腾讯针对支付宝(Alipay,阿里巴巴旗下盈利颇丰的在线支付服务)发布了一个微信支付工具。

    In August , it launched a payment tool on WeChat , taking aim at Alipay , Alibaba 's lucrative online payment service .

  22. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的支付宝(Alipay)与肯德基(KFC)建立了合作关系,中国的炸鸡粉丝很快将可以使用一种新的付款方式。

    Chinese fans of fried chicken will soon have a new way of paying for their food fix after Alibaba 's Alipay payments unit hooked up with KFC .

  23. 支付宝是中国当下最热门的在线支付系统,人们用它支付淘宝(Taobao)上的订单,缴纳物业费,购买电影票,还可在其他购物网站上消费。

    Alipay is China 's most popular online payment system used for online purchases including Taobao orders , paying utility bills , movie tickets , and other shopping sites .

  24. 多数用户仍以来微信和支付宝支付,就像我们在昨天新闻中谈到的,多名分析人士表示,苹果需要提供更为优越的客户体验,吸引顾客转向ApplePay。

    The vast majority of mobile payment users still rely on WeChat and Alipay for e-payments , and as we pointed out in yesterday 's podcast , many analysts say Apple would need to offer a significantly better user experience to have customers convert to Apple Pay .

  25. 蚂蚁金服表示,支付宝支付平台联结了众多VR镜制造商和应用开发商,其基于VR的支付设施能使VR“成为一个工具而不仅是个玩具”。

    Ant Financial said its new VR-based payment infrastructure can make VR ' a tool rather than just a toy ' by connecting various VR goggle makers and app developers to the Alipay payments platform .

  26. 去年中国消费者用他们的智能手机完成了价值3.5万亿美元的交易,不过,该市场占主导地位的是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的支付宝(Alipay)和腾讯(Tencent)的财付通(Tenpay)。

    Chinese consumers used their smartphones to make $ 3.5tn worth of transactions last year but the market is dominated by Alibaba 's Alipay and Tencent 's Tenpay .

  27. 如今已经出现了多种不同的模式,而最先进的模式带来了诸多好处——例如中国阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的支付宝(Alipay)——比如协助中国游客处理国际支付。

    Different models have emerged but the most advanced , such as Alibaba 's Alipay in China , have added benefits , like assisting Chinese tourists with the processing of international payments .

  28. 2004年底,阿里巴巴决定推出支付宝,当时马云飞赴广州拜访了时任区域销售团队负责人的陆兆禧(JonathanLu)。陆兆禧现任阿里巴巴首席执行长。

    In late 2004 , when Alibaba decided to launch Alipay , Mr. Ma flew to Guangzhou to visit Jonathan Lu , Alibaba 's current chief executive , who was then the head of a regional sales team .

  29. 史贝里克说,阿里巴巴正在游说美国商家接受支付宝。支付宝是类似贝宝(PayPal)的支付平台,其2013年移动交易金额接近1500亿美元。

    Spelich said Alibaba is meeting with U.S. brands to get them to accept Alipay , a PayPal-like service which processed about $ 150 billion in mobile transactions last year .

  30. 阿里巴巴说,有时卖家还利用微信应用引导购物者越过阿里巴巴旗下支付宝(Alipay)运行的支付程序。

    In some cases , Alibaba said , sellers were using the apps to guide shoppers outside of the online payment process run by Alipay , an Alibaba affiliate .