
  • 网络medium of payment
  1. 另一个颇具吸引力的地方在于,选择比特币作为支付媒介可以让用户保持匿名性。

    The fact that users can pay in bitcoin and remain anonymous is also attractive .

  2. 传统的金融体系具有支付清算和媒介资源配置的功能,而现代金融体系必须增加分散风险与管理财富这两个新功能。

    The traditional financial system has the functions of paying and media resource distribution , whereas the modern financial system must increase two new functions of risks dispersion and wealth management .

  3. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .

  4. 随着世界经济的日益增长和信息技术的快速发展,全球银行卡持续增长,.成为支付领域的主要媒介。

    With the world economy growing and the rapid development of information technology , global bank card continued growth , become the main media paid field .