
  • 网络expert advisor
  1. 智能交易系统是现代计算机技术、网络通信技术和人工智能技术在金融交易市场上综合应用。

    Expert Advisor is the modern computer technology , network communication technology and artificial intelligence technology in the comprehensive application of financial transactions on the market .

  2. 运用进化计算和BP神经网络等方法,研究了IEBS中的主要业务处理问题,包括供应商资源发现与供应商信用评价、基于多目标进化规划的采购方案优化算法和智能交易支付协议;

    It studies the intelligence processing of main businesses in IEBS , which includes supplier resources discovery and its credit evaluation , optimization algorithm of order plan based on the multi-objective evolution programming and the intelligent transaction payment protocol by using evolution computation and BP neural network and so on ;

  3. 而自动发货交易模式则是顺应这种发展需要,以自动化智能交易系统为平台的一种以电子格式合同为交易基础的新型交易模式。

    Trading patterns of Automatic Delivery adapt to this development which is the need to automate the intelligent trading system as a platform for a contract for trading in electronic format based on new trading model .

  4. 基于MAS的智能网上交易系统设计与实现

    Design and Implement the Model of Intelligent Network Trade System Based on MAS

  5. 要求这些医院安装处理智能卡交易的硬件和软件。

    These hospitals are required to install the hardware and software to process smart-card transactions .

  6. 智能的交易模型日益成为电子商务研究的一项重要课题?

    How to realise an efficient , intelligent trading model based on the multi-agent technique has become an important task for the research of electronic commerce .

  7. 基于计算智能的外汇交易系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Foreign Exchange Trade System Based on Computational Intelligence

  8. 多智能卡脱机交易系统的设计与实现

    Implementation in Off-line Transaction System Using Multi-smart Cards

  9. 考虑分布式电源的智能电网备用市场交易模型脑神经电偶极子电势分布的数理模型及仿真

    Reserve Market Direct Transaction Platform Model for Smart Grid Considering Distributed Generation

  10. 智能卡在无线交易中的应用

    Smart Card Application for Wireless Transaction

  11. 随着人们生活质量的不断提高,人们已经不再满足于传统的、基于互联网的电子商务模式,而是需要能代替人并且具有一定逻辑推理能力、自学习能力、交流能力的智能化的电子交易模式。

    With the consecutive improvement of the quality of people 's life , People are not satisfied with the traditional e-business , and they need an intelligent e-business , which has the abilities of logical reasoning , self-study and communication .

  12. 据弗雷斯特预计,到2018年,电子商务将占到全美零售总额的11%,约4140亿美元,其中通过平板电脑和智能手机进行的交易约占线上销售额的20%。

    By 2018 , e-commerce will account for more than 11 % of the total , or approximately $ 414 billion , with transactions made with tablets and smartphones accounting for about 20 % of the online total , Forrester projects .

  13. 结合实践的JETCOS智能卡操作系统分析了金融智能卡COS在交易流程和应用过程中的安全性。

    Grounded on practical JETCOS , this paper explicates the security of financial IC card in transaction flow and applied progress .