
  • 网络Intelligent Building;building automation
  1. Web技术在智能建筑中央空调中的应用

    Technology of Web in Central Air-Conditioning System of Intelligent Building

  2. 基于Web的智能建筑系统集成方式的探讨

    Discussion of intelligent building system integration based on Web

  3. 是时候意识到这一事实了:建造智能建筑、城市和家庭将大大提高我们未来的生活质量。

    It 's time to wake up to the fact that making smart buildings , cities and homes will dramatically improve our quality of life in the years ahead .

  4. 方法以智能建筑设备管理信息流为主线,讨论基于关系型数据库和Web技术的智能建筑设备管理信息系统集成;

    Based on relational database and Web technology , the integration of intelligent building services management information system was discussed .

  5. LINUX及其在智能建筑系统中的应用

    The Research of Intelligent Building System based LINUX

  6. 基于FPGA的智能建筑控制系统研制

    Development of FPGA Based Intelligent Building Control System

  7. 基于CAN总线和USB接口的智能建筑设备自动化系统

    An intelligent building automation system which based on CAN bus and USB Interface

  8. DeltaBA系统在智能建筑中的应用

    The Application of Delta BA System in Intelligent Building

  9. 集成RFID的智能建筑系统研究

    Research on RFID Integration in Intelligent Building System

  10. BACnet~(TM)&智能建筑控制网络标准协议

    BACnet ~ ( TM )── A Standard Protocol for Infranet of Intelligent Buildings

  11. 基于OPC协议的智能建筑信息集成系统的设计

    Implementation of the Integration of Intelligent Building Information System Based on OPC Protocol

  12. 我国智能建筑中HVAC控制实用算法研究

    A Study of Applied Algorithm of HVAC Control in Intelligence Buildings of China

  13. 基于CBR和ANFIS技术的智能建筑应急决策支持系统

    CBR-and ANFIS-based Emergent Decision Support System of Intelligent Buildings

  14. 智能建筑BAS设计应注意的若干问题

    Several Issues Needing Attention During Intelligent Building BAS Design

  15. 用于智能建筑的CAN与BACnet交互网关设计

    Designs of CAN and BACnet Interactive Gateway for Intelligent Building

  16. BAS控制的建筑通常又由被称为智能建筑。

    A building controlled by a BAS is often referred to as an intelligent building system .

  17. 最后的结果是可将各种楼宇自控系统集成到企业信息管理系统中,并向用户提供统一的基于Web的监控管理界面,用户只需通过IE等浏览器就可以监控和管理各智能建筑子系统。

    The result is that the server can integrate all building automation and control systems to enterprise information management system , and provide users with a unified Web-based monitoring and management interface .

  18. 现在,由于Web服务的广泛应用,在智能建筑领域,基于Web服务的智能设备远程监控、维护、管理等方面的用户需求越来越迫切。

    Nowadays , due to wide use of Web Services , the demand of remote control and monitor , maintenance and management , which is based on Web services , is often cried for in the field of Intelligent Building .

  19. 智能建筑以4C技术(现代控制技术Control、现代计算机技术Computer、现代通信技术Communication和现代图形显示技术CRT)在现代建筑中的应用为主要标志。

    The intelligent building regards the application of 4C technologies ( Modern Control Technology , Modern Computer Technology , Modern Communication Technology and Modern CRT Technology ) in the modern architecture as the main sign .

  20. 目前,智能建筑能耗管理工作主要是由建筑设备管理系统(BAS系统)来实现。

    Currently , the intelligent building energy management is achieved by the construction equipment management system ( BAS systems ) .

  21. 利用ANFIS技术加强CASE库的知识获取,建立了基于CBR技术的智能建筑应急决策支持系统IBFSIMS。

    ANFIS model was trained and checked to enhance the knowledge acquisition of CASE bases , and CBR based emergent decision support system of intelligent building was established ( EDSSIB ) .

  22. 智能建筑集成系统(IBMS)设计

    Intelligent Building Integration System ( IBMS ) design

  23. 针对国内现阶段智能建筑系统集成,尤其是楼宇自控系统(BAS)中存在的问题,提出了建议;

    According to the problems of current intelligent building system integration in China , especially of building automation system ( BAS ), some advices are proposed .

  24. 给出了OPC技术在智能建筑弱电系统集成中的应用工程实例,结果表明,OPC技术大大提高了建筑物管理系统的开放性和灵活性,可以有效地解决多厂商设备及软件系统的集成问题。

    An example of application of OPC technology to the information integration of intelligent building is presented . The results show that flexibility and incompatibility of the system , etc. have been greatly improved .

  25. 采用工控组态软件建立BMS系统集成平台,实现对智能建筑的系统集成。

    The industrial configuration software is used to set up a BMS 's system integration platform , so the system integration of heterogeneous databases in intelligent building is realized .

  26. 其中,楼宇自动化系统(BAS)是智能建筑的基础和核心,是建筑本身应具备的自动化控制功能。

    Among the three subsystems , Building Automation System ( BAS ) is the foundation and the core of the intelligent building and the basic automatic control system of the building .

  27. OPC作为与厂商无关的软件数据交换标准接口和规程,为智能建筑系统的集成开辟了新的途径,它保证了系统集成的开放性。

    OPC is a software data interchange standard interface and specification which has nothing to do with the manufacturer , and provides a new way to solve this issue , it pledges the integrated system as an open type system .

  28. 楼宇自动控制系统(BAS)是建筑技术、自动控制技术与计算机网络技术相结合的产物,它使整个建筑具有了智能建筑的特性。

    The building automatic control system ( BAS ) is the combination of building technology , automatic control and computer network technology , which provides the whole building with the properties of an intelligent building .

  29. BACnet楼宇控制网络协议是当前智能建筑发展的主流技术,已经成为楼宇自控的国际标准,该协议规范了楼宇控制设备实现互操作的方法。

    BACnet & A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Network is the current dominative technique with the development of Intelligent Building , and it has been the international standard in building automation and control .

  30. 基于某智能建筑系统集成工程的具体实例,详细阐述了运行在EBI上的两种实现消防子系统软件网关的方法。

    Two methods of developing software gateways of fire control subsystem running on EBI based on an integration project of intelligent building system completed recently were explained in detail .