
  • 网络smart appliance;Smart home appliance;intelligence appliance
  1. 目前嵌入式系统技术已经成为最热门的技术之一,如:mp3,PDA,网络家电,智能家电,车载电子设备等各种各样数字化产品的嵌入式设备已经进入了我们的生活。

    Recently , embedded system technology has become one of the most popular technologies . All kinds of digital products , such as mp3 , PDA , Internet appliances , smart appliances and automotive electronics , have entered our lives .

  2. 智能家电嵌入式软件的源码构件设计方法

    Design Method of Code Component for Embedded Software in Smart Appliances

  3. 此后数年,核心舱应用了一系列新技术,包括太空WiFi、蓝牙、智能家电、私人语音沟通和120多种太空食物。

    In the following years , a number of new technologies have also been applied to the core cabin , including space Wi-Fi , Bluetooth , smart home applications , private phone communications , and a variety of over 120 kinds of space foods .

  4. 基于嵌入式Internet的智能家电远程控制系统

    Intelligent Home Appliances Based on Embedded Internet Remote Control System

  5. 最后对智能家电远程控制中的Internet方式作了介绍。

    Finally , it introduces the Internet mode of applied software for remote control .

  6. 紧接着根据智能家电上网的特点,探讨了智能家电通过家庭网络接入Internet的方式。

    Then according to the online characteristics of intelligent appliances , it explores intelligent appliances via a home network access to Internet .

  7. 本文在剖析我国家电故障维修方式和需求的基础上,提出了一种基于Internet的智能家电故障测控系统的基本框架。

    According to maintenance mode and requirement , a fundamental structure of fault detection and control system of intelligent household electrical appliance based on internet is presented .

  8. 这一愿景已将Android带入了一系列新市场,从智能家电到汽车。

    This has taken Android into a broad array of new markets , from smart home appliances to cars .

  9. 从MP3、PDA(个人数字助理)这样的小型数字产品,到智能家电、数控机床,嵌入式技术迅速渗透到各行各业。

    It applies to Intelligent Appliances , industrial control , and consumer electronics such as MP3 , PDA ( Personal Digital Assistant ) and so on .

  10. MP3、MP4、智能家电、智能手机等电子产品到处可见。

    Electronic products , such as MP3 , MP4 , intelligent household appliances , and smart phones , are seen everywhere .

  11. 有两人透露,去年被谷歌(Google)收购的智能家电制造商NestLabs挖走了手表团队中的几名最优秀成员。

    Nest Labs , the smart appliance maker that was acquired by Google last year , poached a few engineers who were the very best on the watch team , according to two people .

  12. 进入21世纪,FPGA(FieldProgrammableGateArray,现场可编程门阵列)技术发展迅猛,已经在自动机器人、卫星和智能家电等应用领域发挥了关键作用。

    In the 21st century , FPGA ( Field Programmable Gate Array ) technology is developing quickly , and has played a key role in some application fields , such as automatic robots , satellite , intelligent home appliance and so on .

  13. 本文围绕着智能家电网络展开论述,提出了利用现有PC强大的功能,结合红外线、无线电通信技术,语音识别技术、网络通信技术和计算机控制技术来实现对家用电器的智能控制。

    This paper mainly discusses the intelligent HEA network control system . A method is put forward to compose the system , which is to use the powerful Personal Computer ( PC ) as the main controller , and infrared , wireless , speech recognition and internet are included .

  14. 以CPU或DSP为核心的嵌入式网络测控平台,因具有功耗低、体积小、处理实时数据速度快等优点而适合用于工业控制和智能家电等领域。

    It suits for industrial control and the intellectual electrical home appliances because its network platform of observes and controls with embedded operating system as the administrative system , advanced CPU DSP as core , have low power dissipation , small , dealing with real-time data quickly .

  15. 近年来,随着RFID技术及其产品成本的不断降低,该技术被广泛应用于许多实际工程领域,例如供应链管理,门禁安防系统,智能家电,电子付费,生产自动化等。

    As cost of the RFID technology and the associated items has been greatly decreasing in recent years , the RFID technology has been widely used in many real engineering fields such as supply chain management , entrance security system , smart machine , electronic paying system , production automatics .

  16. 同时为了解决解决家庭网络中使用不同协议的智能家电的互操作,论文设计了UPnP-Bluetooth软件桥,UPnP-Bluetooth可以实现UPnP网络和蓝牙网络之间的设备互通信。

    To solve the cooperation of the devices using different protocols , this paper has designed an UPnP-Bluetooth software bridge to solve this problem , which can realize the UPnP device and Bluetooth device communication .

  17. 基于嵌入式系统智能家电远程监控设计

    Design of Monitoring of Smart Electrical Appliance Based on Embedded System

  18. 一种适用于智能家电嵌入式软件的框架构件模型

    A Frame Component Model Approach for Embedded Software of Intelligent Household Appliances

  19. 一个全新的智能家电时代已经来临。

    A new era of smart household appliances is upcoming .

  20. 智能家电网络&21世纪家电企业的新型信息化产品

    Intelligent appliance network & new information products of appliance plants of 21st century

  21. 基于红外通讯的智能家电系统的研究与应用

    The Research and Application in the Intelligentized Indoor System Based on Infrared Communication

  22. 典型的智能家电是可以自动备货的冰箱,能够自动补充牛奶。

    The stereotypical smart appliance is the self-stocking refrigerator that replenishes your milk automatically .

  23. 提出了通过远程电话实现智能家电控制系统的一种实现方案。

    This paper presents a realization scheme of the intelligent telephone remote control system .

  24. 基于电力载波和电话网络的智能家电控制系统的设计

    A Design of Smart Home Control System Based on Power Line Carrier and Telephone Networks

  25. 双功能燃气热水器集洗浴和采暖功能于一体,是一种新颖的智能家电。

    The Dual function water-heater is a novel intelligent household appliance that could supply bath water and heating water .

  26. 雪莉:当他们开发出智能家电,理论上你就能用手机往冰箱里放东西了。

    Shelly : When they finish developing smart appliances you can theoretically restock your fridge through your hand phone .

  27. 鼓励有条件的地区对购买绿色智能家电和环保家具给予补贴。

    Regions , where conditions allow , are also encouraged to subsidies for purchasing green , smart home appliances and environmentally-friendly furniture .

  28. 去年他们在进博会上展示的三款智能家电,迅速成为“网红”产品。

    The company was a stand-out at last year 's Expo , with three of its smart home appliances gaining celebrity-like status in China .

  29. 本文主要探讨的是应用现有的无线寻呼及家庭电话、手机作为通信平台的低成本智能家电的远程控制。

    This paper is a tentative discussion of applying exiting radio pager and fixed telephone as communication platform to remote control of low-cost household electrical appliances .

  30. 公司的产品广泛应用于邮电通信、计算机、仪器仪表、智能家电、节能设备及天文气象等高新技术领域。

    Company 's products are widely used in telecommunications , computers , instrumentation , intelligent home appliances and energy-saving high-tech fields such as meteorology and astronomy equipment .