
  • 网络regional culture;region culture;Area cultural;area culture
  1. 科尔沁文化是指蒙古族科尔沁地区的区域文化。

    Kerqin culture refers to the regional culture of Kerqin area .

  2. 地方大学引领区域文化发展的路径选择

    Path Choice of Local Universities Leading the Development of Regional Culture

  3. 以文化创意产业强化区域文化中心地位

    Development of Creative Industries and the Consolidation of Regional Cultural Center

  4. 论区域文化在公路上的物化及实现路径

    On the Regional Culture Materialization and Implementation Path Along the Highways

  5. 传统民居砖装饰的区域文化特征

    The culture characters of brick decoration in the traditional housings

  6. 战略关系:区域文化和制度下的私营企业战略理解

    Strategy of Private Enterprises under Different Regional Culture and Institutions

  7. 区域文化产业战略与空间布局原则

    The Industrial Strategy of Regional Culture and the Principle of Space Distribution

  8. 区域文化与乡村旅游可持续发展研究

    A Research about Regional Culture and Rural Tourism Sustainable Development

  9. 第三章中国区域文化资本的存量估计。

    The third chapter is to measure China regional cultural capital stock .

  10. 文化投融资体制改革与区域文化产业发展

    Reform of Cultural Investment and Finance Institutions versus Development of Regional Culture Industry

  11. 从秦府集团成员仕进状况看区域文化合流

    The Mergence of Regional Culture Showed from Members of the Qin Fu Group

  12. 经济文化一体化中的长三角区域文化产业

    Culture Industry of the Yangtze River Delta in the Economic and Cultural Integration

  13. 巢湖区域文化性格特征浅析

    The analysis on characteristic of Chao Hu regional culture

  14. 现代产品设计中的区域文化意象研究

    Study of Regional Cultural Image in Modern Product Design

  15. 结论:区域文化变量是影响人际和谐的重要因素。

    Conclusion : The region is an important factor which affects interpersonal harmony .

  16. 江苏省区域文化与文化发展的空间组织

    The regional culture and the spacial organization of culture development in Jiangsu Province

  17. 区域文化产业发展模式探析&以保定市为例

    Research on Development Mode of Regional Culture Industries & Taking Baoding as Example

  18. 试论全球化进程中的区域文化产业

    On Regional Culture Industry in the Process of Globalization

  19. 跨国公司对集群区域文化和制度方面的影响。

    They impact the culture and institution of cluster .

  20. 丽水区域文化特质分析

    The Analysis of the Features in Lishui Regional Culture

  21. 主要从保持区域文化差异性是维护乡村性的根本、区域文化对旅游决策的重要影响、区域文化与乡村旅游发展存在着互动关系三个方面来论述的。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the affect of regional culture in allusion to rural tourism .

  22. 区域文化旅游主题筛选评价及其实证研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Regional Cultural Tourism 's Thematic Screening and Demonstration Study

  23. 五要建立能促进高技术产业集群发展的区域文化。

    Fifth , fostering regional culture favorable to the development of high-tech industries clusters .

  24. 依托区域文化资源探索新农村建设的教师教育模式

    New-type Teacher 's Education Model in New Rural Development Based on Regional Culture Resource

  25. 安徽省区域文化特征及其对区域经济的影响分析

    Analysis of Local Culture Characteristics in Anhui Province and its Impact on Regional Economic

  26. 论区域文化研究与学报名栏建设

    On Study of Regional Culture and the Construction of Famous Column of College Journal

  27. 培育中小企业集群发展的独特区域文化。

    Sixth , nurture the special regional culture in development of small and medium enterprises .

  28. 现代区域文化建设探析

    On the Development of Modern Regional Culture

  29. 区域文化视野中的宋词研究&以江南区域为中心

    View Song-Ci from the Point of Regional Culture : Focus on the Region of Jiangnan

  30. 然后分析邯郸区域文化价值和经济价值以及对该区的的影响。

    Then analyzes the Handan regional cultural value and economic value and the zone effect .