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  • subculture
亚文化[yà wén huà]
  1. 斯坦利·科恩是一位著名的英国亚文化专家。

    Stanley Cohen is a prominent British expert in subculture study .

  2. 不良亚文化会对思想政治教育产生负面影响。

    Unhealthy subculture will bring negative effects to ideological and political education .

  3. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  4. 我对P1的印象是,它是一个很棒的社交网站,人们可以在此获得很多亚文化和行业方面的信息。

    Sonja : My impression of P1 is a great networking and socializing website where you can access useful information on many sub-cultures and industries .

  5. 小清新是一种新兴的亚文化,它源于Indie风格的独立音乐。

    The small fresh is an emerging sub-culture which is from the Indie-style music . The life-style which they like is natural and simple .

  6. “课桌文化”作为大学的一种亚文化形态由来以久。

    Desk Culture has long been a subordinate culture of universities .

  7. 亚文化与主流文化的互动与转化&论奥林匹克文化在中国的嬗变

    CULTURE The Relate and Conversion between Subsidiary Culture and Mainstream Culture

  8. 流行音乐是青年亚文化群的一个重要组成部分。

    Pop music is an important part of the youth subculture .

  9. 关于我省群体不良亚文化现象的调查与思考

    On the Investigation and Thinking of Harmful Subculture in Our Province

  10. 网络恶搞现象的青年亚文化特征解读

    Interpretation of the Youth Sub-culture Character about the Internet KUSO Phenomenon

  11. 网络恶搞的青年亚文化特性分析

    The Analysis on Youth Subculture Characteristics of " Network KUSO "

  12. 对于主流文化所排斥的种种边缘文化和亚文化,文化研究也表现了特殊的兴趣。

    Cultural studies show great interest in marginal and sub-cultures .

  13. 建构东北亚文化共同体是非常必要的,但也是非常艰难的。

    It is necessary but difficult to construct Northeast Asian cultural community .

  14. 教师文化是大学文化的亚文化之一。

    Faculty culture is one of sub-cultures of university culture .

  15. 它属于中华文化区域中的亚文化类型。

    It belongs to a subculture category in the Chinese cultural sphere .

  16. 抵抗与臣服&青年亚文化视角下的新媒体数字短片

    Resistance and Submission : Youth Subculture from a Perspective of Digital Videos

  17. 这个城市有一种起着净化作用的亚文化。

    There is a whole scavenging sub-culture to this city .

  18. 都市女性的亚文化生存与私人化写作

    On City Female Writers ' Subculture Existence and Private Writing

  19. 论网络亚文化群体破坏行为的青春期性质

    The adolescence character of Internet sub-culture group 's destruction behavior

  20. 正确引导大学生亚文化积极推进大学生的研究型学习

    Correctly Guiding Subculture of University Student Positively Carrying out the Research Study

  21. 介于高雅与低俗之间的校园亚文化受大学生普遍喜爱,网络文化的吸引力尤其强烈;

    A lot of students especially like campus network culture .

  22. 职务犯罪亚文化功能探析

    The Analysis of the Function of the Official Offence Subculture

  23. 默克罗比对青年亚文化的研究大多与女性问题联系在一起。

    Mcrobbie relates her research on youth subculture with feminism .

  24. 我对主文化亚文化研究的几点看法

    My Views on the Research of Mainstream Culture and Sub-cultures

  25. 基于经济学视角的农村不良亚文化透视

    The Perspective of Unhealthy Rural Subculture from the Economics Angle of Views

  26. 现今青少年的文身是一种亚文化现象的反映。

    Tattoo of youngsters is the reflection of sub - cultural phenomenon .

  27. 美国市场亚文化特点及对国际市场营销的影响

    The Sub-cultural Characteristics of U.S. Market and the Impact to International Marketing

  28. 亚文化对于国际市场营销有着深刻的影响。

    Sub-culture has a profound impact on international marketing .

  29. 新时期中国政治亚文化的发展&以广东为例

    Development of China 's Political Subculture in New Era

  30. 作为一个文化类型或亚文化群的郊区居民。

    Suburbanites considered as a cultural class or subculture .