
  • 网络Arizona;Eller;The University of Arizona
  1. 后来,我获得了亚利桑那大学的棒球奖学金,这让我接受了教育。

    Later , I was given a baseball scholarship to the University of Arizona , which led me to an education .

  2. 但是,1994年美国亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)举行的一场跨学科会议第一次将科学家和哲学家们聚在了一起。

    But in 1994 , an interdisciplinary conference at the University of Arizona brought them together for the first time .

  3. “这是一个问题,”亚利桑那大学的环形山专家H。

    " That 's a problem ," comments cratering specialist H.

  4. 亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)经济学家戴维o赖利(DavidReiley)自eBay出现之前就一直在研究网上拍卖。

    David Reiley , an economist at the University of Arizona , has been studying online auctions since before eBay existed .

  5. 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(AntaiCollegeofEconomicsandManagement)直接排到第32名,而亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)艾勒管理学院(EllerCollegeofManagement)在75所院校中排名第68位。

    Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University comes straight in at 32 and Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona is ranked 68th out of 75 .

  6. NasserPeyghambarian是图森亚利桑那大学该项目的首席研究人员。

    Nasser Peyghambarian is the lead researcher for the project at the University of Arizona in Tucson .

  7. 这些“极端地能引发争议”的发现“符合我独立发现的情况”,美国亚利桑那大学的冰川学家JeffreyS.Kargel说。

    The " extremely provocative " findings " are consistent with what I have learned independently ", says Jeffrey S.Kargel , a glaciologist at the University ofArizona , United States .

  8. 介绍了亚利桑那大学图书馆采用的几种网站使用性能测试方法。

    This paper introduces several usability testing methods that the Arizona Library once used .

  9. 他14岁的时候找到亚利桑那大学,要求用他们的实验室做试验。

    At14 , he approached the University of Arizona to request time in their laboratory .

  10. 亚利桑那大学一项研究发现,普通电脑桌面每平方英寸有21000个细菌。

    A University of Arizona study found the average desktop had 21000 germs per square inch ;

  11. 他十四岁的时候就开始在亚利桑那大学的实验室做实验。

    He began using a laboratory at the University of Arizona at the age of fourteen .

  12. 他也是在图森的亚利桑那大学行星地质学教授。

    He also is a professor of planetary geology at the University of Arizona in Tucson .

  13. 他上的是亚利桑那大学。

    He went to Arizona state .

  14. 高登.爱卫是亚利桑那大学图森医学院的一名心脏科医生。

    Golden Envy is a heart doctor at the university of Arizona , college of medicine in Tucson .

  15. 亚利桑那大学的研究小组对他们的家庭作出了最前沿,绿色建筑技术和设计实验室。

    The University of Arizona team made their home a laboratory for cutting edge , green building technology and design .

  16. 2010年,一位亚利桑那大学的学生——卢金德拉·欧嘉首次发现了这种深色线纹。

    The streaks were first spotted in 2010 by Lujendra Ojha , then an undergraduate at the University of Arizona .

  17. 本文利用由美国亚利桑那大学年轮实验室研制的响应函数计算程序,对干旱的天山东端的13个树轮年表,计算了其响应函数。

    In the paper , we use the response function program developed by Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research , University of Arizona , USE .

  18. 美国总统奥巴马和第一夫人米歇尔将横跨诸州,前往参加周三在亚利桑那大学举行的悼念仪式。

    President Obama and his wife Michelle will cross the country to attend Wednesday night 's memorial service at the University of Arizona .

  19. 来自亚利桑那大学的科学家团队,在南美的巴塔哥尼亚的偏远地区研究了山脉。安第斯山脉正在拔高。滚烫的熔岩冲上顶端,但是冰川的侵蚀又让它们退到一边去。

    A team led by scientists from the University of Arizona studied mountains in remote areas of Patagonia in South America.The Andes are actively growing .

  20. 夏季联赛我可能要打五号位,我在亚利桑那大学也打过这个位置。

    Word is that I 'll be playing the5 spot during summer league , which I 'm comfortable with since I played the5 at Arizona .

  21. 亚利桑那大学的科学家指出,火星地表某些深色地带可能是目前的水文活动所造成。

    Scientists from the University of Arizona argued that some of the dark streaks on the planet 's surface might be caused by current hydrological activity .

  22. 土桑市亚利桑那大学近日发布了过去几个月运用科学实验仪所拍摄的一批最新火星表面照片。

    The University of Arizona , Tucson , which operates HiRISE , has just released a new batch of these photos taken in the last several months .

  23. 查尔斯·格巴,亚利桑那大学的环境微生物学教授,提出一个不祥的预兆说年轻人正因共用手机而感染金黄色葡萄球菌。

    Charles Gerba , a professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona , issued an ominous warning that teenagers were catching MRSA by sharing cell phones .

  24. 柑橘类水果含有丰富的柠檬烯。亚利桑那大学对470位女性和男性进行的研究表明,柠檬烯可以将患皮肤癌的风险降低34%

    Citrus fruits have the potent ingredient limonene , associated with a whopping 34 percent lower risk of skin cancer in one University of Arizona study of 470 women and men .

  25. 据亚利桑那大学一项研究介绍,电梯按钮上细菌的数量是马桶座位上的17倍。

    In a study at Arizona University , it was determined that there are over 540 germs per square centimeter on elevator buttons - 17 times more than on toilet seats .

  26. 我在亚利桑那大学时,对我住的地方附近一带的所有记忆,是住在我隔壁的小孩名字叫。

    When I was in the University of Arizona and we lived next & and all I remember of my neighborhood Adonis is we lived next to this little boy and his name was Adonis .

  27. 亚利桑那大学的人类学副教授大卫·里奇伦说:“其中一只大猩猩用两条腿行走时消耗的能量较少,还有一只两种行走方式消耗的能量相同。其余的两条腿行走时消耗的能量较多。”

    One of the chimps used less energy on two legs , one used about the same and the others used more , said David Raichlen , assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona .

  28. 美国亚利桑那大学环境微生物学教授查克·吉尔巴研究发现,我们每次冲厕所的时候,粪便细菌分子会在空气中悬浮上升1.8米左右。

    Because of this , whenever a toilet is flushed , airborne feces particles get propelled up to 6 feet in distance , according to Chuck Gerba , PhD , professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona .

  29. 美国宇航局和亚利桑那大学的专家分析,从太阳表面以下12万英里的磁场测量推断,第25个太阳活动周期的高峰期将在2022年,太阳辐射将大大削弱。

    Analysis by experts at NASA and the University of Arizona derived from magnetic-field measurements 120,000 miles beneath the sun 's surface suggest that Cycle 25 , whose peak is due in 2022 , will be a great deal weaker still .

  30. 对于任何一个想成为幽灵猎人或者魔鬼克星的人来说,你可能会考虑亚利桑那大学,它是将超自然现象研究作为主修专业的大学之一。

    For anyone out there wishing to become a Ghost Hunter , or better yet , a Ghostbuster , you might want to consider a school like the University of Arizona , which is one of several that offer Paranormal Studies as a major 。