
  • 网络The University of Utah;eccles;UTAH
  1. 她毕业于犹他大学。

    She graduated from the University of Utah .

  2. 犹他大学的研究小组将带有极小的微电极的网格入置于一名患有严重癫痫的志愿者的大脑语言中枢。

    The University of Utah research team placed grids of tiny microelectrodes over speech centers in the brain of a volunteer with severe epileptic seizures .

  3. 我在犹他大学打了三年,跟很多NBA新秀都交过手,我不明白为什么很多球队不选我。

    I was at Utah for three years . I played behind a lot of NBA draft picks , and I don 't know why they missed on me .

  4. 犹他大学体育主管克里斯•希尔(ChrisHill)表示,第一次在太平洋十二校联盟成员中提出让中国教练来访学的主意时,大约有四个人举手赞成。

    Chris Hill , Utah 's athletic director , said that when the idea for the residencies for Chinese coaches was first raised among Pac-12 members , about four raised their hands .

  5. 犹他大学神经研究所精神病学临床教授DanielChristensen回忆说,他的记忆是个无底洞。

    " He had a bottomless memory ," recalls Daniel Christensen , a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Utah 's Neuropsychiatric Institute .

  6. 他们属于中国最好的初高中篮球教练。因为中国政府与太平洋十二校联盟(Pacific-12Conference)和犹他大学(UniversityofUtah)的伙伴关系,他们来到了犹他大学美丽的校园。

    They were among the best junior high and high school basketball coaches in China , brought to Utah 's gorgeous campus in a partnership between their government and the Pacific-12 Conference and the University of Utah .

  7. 《抗菌化学疗法杂志》(JournalofAntimicrobialChemotherapy)今年7月刊登了一篇研究论文,其中犹他大学(UniversityofUtah)和疾病预防与控制中心的研究人员发现,医师开抗生素时,60%会选择广谱抗生素。

    In a July study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy , researchers from the University of Utah and the CDC found that 60 % of the time physicians prescribe antibiotics , they choose broad-spectrum ones . '

  8. 犹他大学医学院的MiaHashibe对饮用咖啡和头部颈部某些癌症之间的关系很感兴趣。

    Dr. Mia Hashibe of the University of Utah School of Medicine was interested in the link between coffee drinking and certain cancers of the head and neck .

  9. 犹他大学的教练拉里•克里斯特科维亚克(LarryKrystkowiak)叫停了一次练习,用不是生气仅仅是失望的语气对球队说,你们这些家伙今天废话太多了;

    Utah Coach Larry Krystkowiak stopped one drill and , in a not-angry-just-disappointed tone , told his team , You guys are just full of it today ;

  10. 犹他大学生物工程助理教授PatrickKiser说,这种凝胶起作用的方式类似于安全套。

    Patrick Kiser , assistant professor of bioengineering at the University of Utah , says the gel would act in a similar way to a condom .

  11. 基于博尔州立大学的研究发现,犹他大学的心理学家LisaDiamond通过调查,认为女性的性取向会随着时间发生改变。在她调查的女性中,很多人从异性恋变成了性取向无法确定。

    Following on from the findings at Boise State University , psychologist Lisa Diamond from the University of Utah , discovered that sexuality develops over time . Of the women she questioned , many of them changed their sexual preference from heterosexual to unlabelled ' .

  12. 近100名中国初高中男子和女子篮球、田径、游泳和拉拉队教练被送到犹他大学,和被送去亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的中国高校教练人数大致相当。该校也是太平洋十二校联盟的成员。

    Nearly 100 Chinese junior high and high school coaches in the sports of men 's and women 's basketball , track and field , swimming and cheerleading were sent to Utah , and roughly the same number of Chinese college coaches went to Arizona State , which is also in the Pac-12 .

  13. 医学博士与哲学博士,犹他大学病理学副教授、研究员IlaR.Singh在新闻稿中说道。

    Singh , MD , PhD , associate professor of pathology at the University of Utah , says in a news release .

  14. 犹他大学的副体育主管凯尔•布伦南(KyleBrennan)说,在一定程度上,这些教练来学习的是美国非常与众不同的竞技体育模式,这种模式在美国的教育机构中得到了保护。

    Indeed , it is partly America 's fairly unusual model of competitive athletics enshrined in educational institutions that the coaches have come to study , said Kyle Brennan , Utah 's deputy athletic director .

  15. 犹他大学近40%的外国留学生是中国人,该州前州长洪博培(JonHuntsman)曾是美国驻华大使。犹特人队的篮球馆便是以洪博培父亲的名字命名的。

    Nearly 40 percent of the University of Utah 's foreign students are Chinese , and the state 's former governor Jon Huntsman , for whose father the Utes " basketball arena is named , was the American ambassador to China .

  16. 犹他大学儿科助理教授、论文作者之一赫什(AdamHersh)说,滥用抗生素的做法存在于两种情况下,一种是用窄谱抗生素也可获得不错的疗效,一种是完全不需治疗。

    ' There is overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics both in situations where a narrower alternative would be appropriate and in situations where no therapy is indicated at all , ' said Adam Hersh , assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Utah and a study author .

  17. 唐纳德-瑞沃是美国犹他大学的英语教授。

    Donald Revell is a Professor of English at the University of Utah .

  18. 这种“分子安全套”是由美国犹他大学的科学家设计的。

    The'molecular condom'was designed by scientists at the University of Utah in the United States .

  19. 犹他大学的线上神经解剖学。

    Neuroanatomy online at University of Utah .

  20. 盐湖城犹他大学宣布了科尔夫博士去世的消息。

    His death was announced by the University of Utah in Salt Lake City , where Dr.

  21. 家庭医学和预防医学部,犹他大学,盐湖市,美国犹他州。

    Department of Family and Preventive Medicine , University of Utah , Salt Lake City , Utah .

  22. 你在犹他大学读完大三后决定参加选秀,决定因素是什么?

    What was the determining factor in you entering the draft after your junior year at Utah ?

  23. 1982年,在犹他大学,巴尼·克拉克成为首位接受永久人造心脏的人类。

    At the University of Utah , Barney Clark , becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart .

  24. 这些教练会观察球场训练和健身房环节,还有机会亲自和犹他大学的教练一起上场。

    The coaches observed practices and weight-room sessions . They got some time on the court themselves with Utah coaches .

  25. 在加入维拉司法研究所之前,福格勒松先生曾任犹他大学和堪萨斯大学政治学副教授。

    Before joining Vera , Todd was an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas and University of Utah .

  26. 三角研究所、北卡罗来纳州立大学以及犹他大学将展开合作,以从木质生物量中提取出合成气。

    Research Triangle Institute , in partnership with North Carolina State University and the University of Utah , will generate syngas derived from woody biomass .

  27. 前犹他大学的科学家现在拥有并经营好几家公司,生产诸如机械心脏和人工耳朵等人造的人体器官等产品。

    Former scientists at the University of Utah now own and operate several companies producing artificial human organs such as mechanical heart and the artificial ear .

  28. 来自盐湖城犹他大学的詹姆斯?艾林格和瑟尔?瑟林以及他们的同事们,收集了美国65个城镇理发店的毛发。

    James Ehleringer and ThureCerling , at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City , and their colleaguescollected human hair from barbers'shops in65 American towns .

  29. 这个概念的根源可回溯到1970年代,史蒂尔在犹他大学开始学术生涯不久后所探讨的一个现象。

    The roots of the concept trace back to a phenomenon Steele explored shortly after he began his academic career at the University of Utah in the 1970s .

  30. 从华盛顿到加大到斯坦福到犹他大学再到其他学校,太平洋十二校联盟的很多成员学校都有大量中国学生,并与中国有着广泛的渊源。

    From Washington to Cal to Stanford to Utah and beyond , many Pac-12 members have large numbers of Chinese students , as well as extensive relationships in China .