
  • 网络Asia Premium;Asian Premium
  1. 亚洲溢价&中日能源的共同困境

    Asia Premium : The Same Dilemma about Energy for both China and Japan

  2. 进入21世纪以来,亚洲溢价程度加深,范围扩展。

    Asia Premium has increased to higher degree at larger extent since the 21st century .

  3. 近年来愈演愈烈的石油贸易中的“亚洲溢价”问题严重损害了亚洲石油进口国的利益。

    The Asia Premium with growing in intensity in recent years has impairs the interests of oil-importing countries of Asia .

  4. 随着我国从中东进口的原油量的增加,亚洲溢价对我国的影响也越来越大。

    With China 's increase of crude import from the Middle East , the Asian Premium exerts an increasingly larger impact on the country .

  5. 就在2005年,力拓还选择保持低调,维持与客户的友好关系,当时必和必拓(不成功地)主张,应该可以就澳洲铁矿石向亚洲客户要求溢价,原因是其运输成本低于巴西的竞争对手。

    As recently as 2005 , Rio chose to keep quiet , preserving goodwill with customers , when BHP argued unsuccessfully that it should be able to charge Asian customers a premium for Australian iron ore , which would incur lower shipping costs than rival Brazilian supplies .

  6. 亚洲地区中东原油溢价问题探讨

    A Study of the Asian Premium in the Middle East Crude Price