
  • 网络green home;green house
  1. 绿色家居重归自然

    Green Home , Back to Nature

  2. 绿色家居与生态艺术

    Green House and Ecological Art

  3. 选择环保材料营造绿色家居

    Select environmental friendly materials to create green living environment

  4. 建构具有民族特色的绿色家居,为人类提供理想的生态环境。

    The green house with national characters should be built and constructed to offer the ideal ecological environment to mankind .

  5. 绿色家居不仅顺应了世界建筑的发展趋势,而且继承了我国传统建筑的精华。

    Getting green house comply with development trend , world of building , inherit of our country traditional essential part of building .

  6. 玉屏瓦屋的使命是为客户提供更舒适、更环保的居住环境,并为推动全新的“绿色家居”理念不懈努力。

    The mission with more comfortable , neat and natural dwelling environment and to promote the environmental idea " Green Dwelling " with massive effort .

  7. 同时,绿色的家居环境也要求生产绿色家具。

    At the same time , green furniture was asked producted by the green residence enviroment .

  8. 在产品用材上,久森致力于倡导绿色生态家居,甄选全球各地珍稀原生林木,提供给消费者卓越的原生态产品享受。

    Johnsonwood go in for the idea of green home , choosing the rare trees around the world and supplying our consumer ecological natural products .

  9. 绿色化学与家居美化

    Green Chemistry and Embellishing Our Home

  10. 绿色植物对健康家居环境的影响

    The Affects Made By Green Plant To Healthy Home Environment