
lǜ pí shū
  • Green Paper;Green Book
绿皮书[lǜ pí shū]
  1. 绿皮书出色地展示了60年前的种族紧张状况。

    The Green Book did an excellent job showing what racial tensions were like 60 years ago .

  2. “绿皮书”中指出:在过去五年里,记录在案的犯罪事件共238起,涉案学生多达264人。

    During the past five years , 238 crimes involving 264 students have been filed , according to the Green Book .

  3. 《中国语言生活绿皮书》是关于语言生活的系列丛书,按内容分为A类和B类,A类发布语言文字的软性规范标准,B类是语言生活的状况与分析研究。

    The Green Paper on Language Situation in China ( GPLSC ) is a series book concerning language situation in China , encompassing two different types according to the content . Type A promulgates the soft norms of the language while Type B investigates and analyzes the language situation .

  4. 土地与生存空间的退化&世界环境绿皮书之四

    Degradation of the Land and Living Space Global Environment Green-book Serial Four

  5. 马克:这部叫《绿皮书》。

    Mark : It was called The Green Book .

  6. 宝石绿是他最爱的颜色,不仅出现在各种旗帜上,还出现在绿皮书以及广告牌上。

    Precious green was his colour , in flags , Book and billboards .

  7. 一九九二年发表的康复政策及服务绿皮书

    1992 Green Paper on Rehabilitation Policies and Services

  8. 最近的住房绿皮书承诺,英国将在2020年前新建300万套住房。

    The recent housing green paper committed Britain to building 3M homes by 2020 .

  9. 本次绿皮书较少言及欧洲委员会希望达到的目的。

    The green paper gives little away about what the European Commission hopes to achieve .

  10. 马克:对,不管怎样,我很高兴有了“绿皮书”这部电影。

    Mark : Right . Anyway , I 'm glad The Green Book was made .

  11. 大气层灰色的危机&世界环境绿皮书之三

    Global Environment Green-book Serial Three

  12. 今年晚些时候,在一份关于城市交通的绿皮书中,欧盟委员会将会再次讨论这一问题。

    The Commission will return to this issue in a green paper on urban transport due later this year .

  13. 随着3月底咨询性绿皮书的发表,欧盟委员会现在已经引发一场有关这一话题的争论。

    With its consultative green paper issued end-March , the European Commission has now kicked off a wider debate on the subject .

  14. 周一,当卡扎菲手握绿皮书出现在电视中时,他的咒骂是支离破碎的,但又为人所熟悉。

    On Monday , when the leader went on television with his Green Book in hand , his diatribe was incoherent but familiar .

  15. 的确,多年汲取“绿皮书”中充满恶意与怨恨的精神食粮,他们本应该学会像他那样思考。

    Surely , after years of venomous pabulum from his " Green Book , " they would have learned to think as he did .

  16. 上校的训诫代替了法律条文,记录在其漫谈政治思想的“绿皮书”中。

    The colonel 's writ , as recorded in his " Green Book " of rambling political philosophy , replaced the rule of law .

  17. 《2005年农村经济绿皮书》呼吁目前的农村土地制度必须改革。

    " green cover book of the rural economy in 2005 " is appealed for " the present rural land system must be reformed " .

  18. 上述两份报道都引用了中国社会科学院、中国气象局联合发布的《气候变化绿皮书》。

    Both articles cite a new ' green paper ' on climate change issued by the China Meteorological Administration and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  19. 近日,武汉当地的检察机关发布了一份名为“校园犯罪绿皮书”的报告。报告中指出:校园犯罪事件,尤其是盗窃,呈不断上升趋势。

    A recent report entitled Green Book of Campus Crimes issued by a local procuratorate in Wuhan indicates that campus crime , especially theft , has been on the rise .

  20. 访问期间,卡扎菲向赖斯赠送了一枚钻戒、一把鲁特琴、一个刻有自己肖像的小挂盒、并给她题赠了一本绿皮书。

    During the visit , he presented Rice with a diamond ring , a lute , a locket with an engraved likeness of himself inside and an inscribed edition of The Green Book ` .

  21. 《副总统》出人意料地以六项提名领跑,超过了《一个明星的诞生》、《宠儿》和《绿皮书》这些更加备受期待的电影,这三部电影各获五项提名。

    Vice , surprisingly leads the pack with six nominations , ahead of more expected fair like A Star Is Born , The Favourite and Green Book , which all have five nominations each .

  22. 他在“绿皮书”中如是写道,唯一的真民主即人民能直接甚至运用暴力流露其意愿,不过,这句话不适用于利比亚。

    for as he said in the " Green Book , " the only true democracy was the direct , even violent , expression of the will of the people - except in Libya .

  23. (根据卡扎菲的绿皮书,一个完美的国家里,政府将消失,取而代之的是人民来领导国家。但利比亚人民却挖苦他说,卡扎菲从来不会照自己说的做。)

    ( Colonel Qaddafi ` s Green Book suggests that in a perfect state , the government disappears and the people rule , but Libyans note wryly that the colonel has never seemed to follow his own advice . )

  24. 不过,不管是绿皮书还是《华商报》最初发表的报道都没有为相关说法提供任何数据支持。不过对中国的微博用户来说,这基本算不上什么问题,他们长期以来都在担心,他们呼吸的空气会造成更严重的影响。

    While neither the green paper nor the initial China Business Review story offered any data to support their claims , that hardly seemed to matter to the country 's microbloggers , who have long expected the worse from the air they breathe .

  25. 不出所料的是,绿皮书最关注的是尽可能降低中国城市人口的碳足迹,虽然该报告的确在第248页一笔而过地提到了空气污染对人类健康的影响。

    As one might expect , the report is mostly concerned with minimizing the carbon footprint of China 's urbanizing population , though it does making a passing mention , on page 248 , of the negative effects on human health of air pollution .

  26. 编辑出版《中国语言生活绿皮书》的目的,是为国家决策提供参考,为语言文字研究者、语言文字产品研发者和社会其他人士提供语言服务,引领社会语言生活走向和谐。

    The purposes of editing and publishing these books are to serve as reference for the government to make decisions , offer services for linguistic researchers , language products researchers and producers and other related people , and guide the social language life towards harmony .

  27. 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所于11月30日发布了《2016人口与劳动力绿皮书》,该绿皮书显示中国男女工资收入差距正在扩大。

    China 's gender pay gap is widening , with no signs of pulling even , according to the Green Book of Population and Labor 2016 , released by the Population and Labor Economics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on Nov. 30 .

  28. 绿皮的书在那一摞的底下,红皮的在上边。

    The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top .