
  • 网络green enterprise;greening enterprise;Green Company
  1. 绿色企业动态联盟组建原理研究

    Research on the Theory of Building Green Enterprise Dynamic Alliance

  2. 循环经济理论与绿色企业发展战略的研究

    The Study on Cyclic Economy Theory and the Developmental Strategy of Green Enterprise

  3. 绿色企业文化是企业文化发展的一个新阶段。

    Green corporate culture is a new phase of corporate culture .

  4. 绿色企业、绿色产品与机电一体化技术

    Integration of Green Enterprises , Green Products and Electromechanical Technology

  5. 高利用率还能为绿色企业们白白带来很多额外财富。

    It could also make clean firms a lot of filthy cash .

  6. 浅析绿色企业及其评价方法

    Methods for green manufacturing enterprise evaluation and their applications

  7. 绿色企业模糊评判&以重庆某合资企业为例

    Fuzzy Evaluation for Greening Enterprise An Example of a Joint-stock Enterprise in Chongqing

  8. 胜毛呢产品的研制与开发实施清洁生产打造绿色企业

    Develop Green Enterprise with Cleaner Production Production of dichlorobenzene

  9. 建设绿色企业实现企业可持续发展

    Developing Green Enterprises , Achieving Sustainable Development in Enterprises

  10. 以独特的绿色企业形象赢得竞争优势

    Gaining Competitive Advantage by Unique Green Enterprise Image

  11. 重庆发展绿色企业的进程

    The Process to Develop Green Enterprises in Chongqing

  12. 绿色企业文化是发展绿色企业的基础,绿色经营模式的核心。

    The most sophisticate feature of green manufacturing is to integrate environmental issues into business ;

  13. 重庆市中小型绿色企业战略研究

    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Chongqing

  14. 实施清洁生产打造绿色企业

    Develop Green Enterprise with Cleaner Production

  15. 实施绿色企业战略促进重庆产业结构调整

    Promoting the Industry Restructuring of Chongqing

  16. 如何创建绿色企业

    How to Build Green Enterprises

  17. 21世纪绿色企业兴起已成为现代企业发展的主导潮流。

    The rise of the21 th century green enterprise development has become the dominant trend of the modem enterprise .

  18. 可持续企业即绿色企业正是这种有机统一体的实现形态,是实现企业经济可持续发展的最佳形态和必然选择。

    Green businesses , the sustainable businesses , are the forms of this type of development , and are ideal and necessary for sustainable developments .

  19. 实例证明用此模式评价绿色企业结果直观明了,可靠性和实用性较好。

    Examples have showed that it was dependable and practicable to use this model for evaluating Greening Enterprise , and the results were intelligible and intuitionistic .

  20. 根据这两种企业文化建设模式,得出了绿色企业文化是当代企业文化的战略选择的基本结论。

    According to the two corporate culture patterns , the paper arrives at the conclusion that the green corporate culture is the strategic choice of contemporary corporate culture .

  21. 创建绿色企业的目的是企业获得经济效益的同时也应获得环境效益,使企业走上可持续发展的道路。

    The establishment green business was aimed at the economic benefits and environmental benefits should also be given to enable enterprises to embark on the path of sustainable development .

  22. 构建绿色企业创新体系的过程,也就是形成市场化、知识化与生态化有机结合与协调发展的现代企业制度。

    The establishing of modern enterprise system which puts emphasis not only on economy but also on ecology , which is the necessary way of green enterprise institutional innovation .

  23. 绿色企业形象的塑造,往往是通过建立绿色企业形象识别系统,并组织实施来达到目的,而且必须与顾客满意战略、企业核心能力的培育、品牌资产的运营结合起来。

    Shaping green enterprise image needs to set up green enterprise image recognition system , and should be combined with customers satis-factory strategy , development of core competitive advantage and brand assets operation .

  24. 根据这内外两方面因素制约,本文最后又提出相应的解决对策:第一要培育大众传媒界的绿色企业文化。

    According to the constraints of this internal and external factors , the end of this article put forward corresponding countermeasures : First , to cultivate a green corporate culture of the mass media sector .

  25. 再次,从理论角度探讨了绿色企业的运行,从企业的生产模式、管理模式、资源利用模式、核算模式及营销模式等方面进行了系统的分析。

    Third , from a theoretical point of view of running a green business , including production models , management models , resource utilization model , accounting model and marketing models for the analysis of the system .

  26. 其次,对绿色企业的基本理论进行研究,包括绿色企业的内涵、特点及绿色企业在国内外的发展现状与我国企业发展的差距和原因分析。

    Secondly , the basic theory of green businesses to conduct research , including green business content , features and green enterprises in the development of domestic and international business development with our country and the reasons for the gap analysis .

  27. 但是由于我国绿色企业文化管理起步较晚,加上经济、技术基础较弱,无论理论研究还是管理实践,我国都处于初始阶段。

    In addition to the late start of the green culture management in Chinese enterprise , the foundation of our economy and technology is weak , so our country is still at the primary stage neither on theoretic research nor on managing practice .

  28. 文章从绿色企业制度、绿色金融制度、绿色政府采购制度、绿色消费制度四个方面展开制度建设。

    The essay discusses the contribution of the institution from four respects which are green enterprise institution , green finance institution , green company purchasing institution and green consume institution . Of course , the innovation of the green institution is an institution project .

  29. 由此从绿色企业文化的内涵入手,当前建设绿色企业文化建设很有必要,要从精神层、制度层和物质层三个层面制定建设绿色企业文化的对策。

    By introducing the connotation of enterprises need take up green corporate culture , the paper analyses the necessity of constructing the green corporate culture . It puts forward the countermeasures of building green corporate culture in terms of spirit level , system level and material level respectively .

  30. 绿色电子企业评定对18家主要的个人电脑、手机、TV和游戏机制造商依据其针对产品所含有害化学物质、产品回收和产品对气候影响所采取的政策进行评分。

    The guide ranks the18 top manufacturers of personal computers , mobile phones , TV 's and games consoles according to their policies on toxic chemicals , recycling and climate change .