
  • 网络budget airline;Low Cost Airline;lcc
  1. 今天,印尼廉价航空公司的一架飞机在度假胜地巴厘岛着陆时冲出跑道,坠入大海。

    An Indonesian budget airline flight overshot the runway and plunged into the ocean of the resort island of Bali today .

  2. 然而随着劳动力和能源成本飙升,中国已经不再被视为一个低成本市场,尤其是与东南亚发展中国家相比,那些国家仍然是该地区廉价航空公司活动的主要温床。

    Yet with surging labor and energy costs , China is no longer seen as a low-cost market , especially when compared with developing nations in Southeast Asia , which remains the main hotbed of budget airline activity in the region .

  3. 亚洲航空CEO托尼费尔南德斯是马来西亚人,他表示布兰森是他的导师,而在创办自己的廉价航空公司之前,他也曾在维珍航空工作过。

    Malaysian-born Fernandes , who described the Briton as his mentor , used to work for Branson before setting up his own budget airline .

  4. 2月份,其核心客户瑞安航空,欧洲最大的廉价航空公司,宣布该公司正与中国商用飞机有限公司(CommercialAircraftCorporationofChina)商谈购买200-400架新机。

    Core customer Ryanair , one of the big European discount airlines , announced in February that it was in discussions with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China , COMAC , to acquire 200 to 400 new aircraft .

  5. 官方媒体新华社周末在其微博账户报道称,中国廉价航空公司春秋航空(SpringAirlines)暂停了6月19日之前所有从上海飞往越南的包机航班。

    Over the weekend , the official microblog of state news agency Xinhua reported that Chinese low-cost carrier Spring Airlines was suspending all charter flights from Shanghai to Vietnam until June 19 .

  6. 这一机会源自初创的廉价航空公司非凡航空(vivamacau)与澳门政府之间的争执。

    The opening follows a dispute between Viva Macau , a start-up budget airline , and the Macao government .

  7. 如果你找到的便宜机票是精神航空(Spirit)或边疆航空(Frontier)等廉价航空公司的机票,那么你很可能需要再花30美元至100美元托运行李。

    And if that cheap ticket you found is on a discount airline like Spirit or Frontier , chances are you 'll have to budget another $ 30 to $ 100 to check a bag .

  8. 目前韩国已有两家廉价航空公司济州航空(jejuair)和韩星航空(hansungairlines)预计济州航空将获准从今年下半年起运营国际航线。

    South Korea already has two budget carriers Jeju air and Hansung airlines with the former expected to receive approval to fly to international destinations from the second half of this year .

  9. 与其他许多大型航空公司一样,马航的长线航班业绩相当良好,然而短线航班业务则因遭受来自亚洲航空(AirAsia)等廉价航空公司的竞争而表现不佳。

    As with many large carriers , its long-haul operations are doing reasonably well , but its short-haul business is suffering because of competition from low-cost carriers such as AirAsia .

  10. 教保证券(kyobosecurities)分析师kimjin-sung表示:“随着消费者对廉价航空公司和高端服务的需求出现两极分化,它们正纷纷追赶这股潮流,瞄准短途国际航线。”

    Kim jin-sung , an analyst at Kyobo securities , said : " they are jumping on the bandwagon , targeting short-haul international routes as consumer demand for budget airlines and premium services is polarised . "

  11. 澳航称,基于旗下廉价航空公司jetstar的成功和在澳大利亚市场65%的份额,公司处于较为强大的地位。

    It said it was in a stronger position based on the success of Jetstar , its budget carrier , and its 65 per cent share of the Australian market .

  12. 同样,布兰森表示,他年轻时的偶像之一是弗雷迪莱克(FreddieLaker)后者是与1977年成立的Skytrain一起创办廉价航空公司的先锋。

    Likewise , Sir Richard has said that one of his heroes when he was young was Sir Freddie Laker , the pioneer of low-cost airlines with Skytrain , which was launched in 1977 .

  13. 澳航以增加澳大利亚境外营运作为未来发展方向的想法是对的;该航空公司需要削减国际运营的成本,同时专注于其盈利的廉价航空公司捷星(jetstar)也是明智的。

    Qantas is right to think that its future lies with increased operations outside Australia ; it needs to cut costs in its international operations and focusing on Jetstar , its profitable budget line , is smart .

  14. 周四,亚洲最大的廉价航空公司亚洲航空(AirAsia)与日本最大的在线零售商乐天(Rakuten)股价双双上涨,原因是此前有报道称双方已同意建立一个合资企业,在日本运营一家廉价航空公司。

    Shares in AirAsia , the region 's largest no-frills carrier , and Rakuten , Japan 's biggest online retailer , rose on Thursday on reports that the two had agreed a joint venture to run a low-cost airline in Japan .

  15. 这架空客(Airbus)A320飞机属于汉莎(Lufthansa)旗下廉价航空公司德国之翼(Germanwings),它在从巴塞罗那飞往杜塞尔多夫的途中突然开始迅速降低高度,8分钟内下降超过3万英尺,最后坠毁在法国南部阿尔卑斯山区。

    The Airbus A320 jet operated by Germanwings , the budget airline owned by Lufthansa , was en route from Barcelona to D ü sseldorf when it began to lose height rapidly , descending more than 30000ft in eight minutes before crashing in the southern French Alps .

  16. 这不,英国廉价航空公司EasyJet最近发布了一款智能运动鞋Sneakairs,把便捷服务拓展到飞机外。穿上这双鞋,不用携带任何地图就能玩转陌生城市。

    Now , Europe 's low-budget airline easyJet , wants to extend the positive experience beyond the plane ride with " Sneakairs " - Smart shoes that allow visitors to explore new cities and towns without ever looking at a map .

  17. 最近,澳大利亚廉价航空公司jetstar透露正计划从英国、美国和南非雇用超过75名飞行员,以求解决全国各地许多雇主正面临的难题:技工严重短缺。

    But when Jetstar , a low-cost carrier , revealed recently that it was planning to hire more than 75 pilots from Britain , America and South Africa , it was seeking a solution to a problem facing many employers across the country : a severe shortage of skilled labour .

  18. 印度航空快线是印度国营的廉价航空公司。

    Air India Express is a budget airline ran by state-run carrier .

  19. 廉价航空公司捷蓝的飞行员以多数票通过加入工会的计划。

    Pilots at discount airline Jet Blue by a wide margin have voted to unionize .

  20. 要不你咋能把你的手提箱塞进易捷航空(欧洲第二大廉价航空公司)的登机行李箱里?

    How else are you going to fit your suitcase into the easyJet carry-on box ?

  21. 种种迹象表明,大型航空公司于廉价航空公司的商业模式日趋一致。

    All this illustrates how the business models of big carriers and budget airlines are converging .

  22. 尽管问题成堆,但是亚洲各国廉价航空公司的不断成长也给传统航空公司带来了更多的竞争。

    Despite problem areas , the growth of budget carriers across Asia has forced full-service airlines to compete hard .

  23. 越来越多的旅客努力节约开支,廉价航空公司的业绩显得好于平均。

    But some low-cost carriers are doing a bit better than average as more travelers seek to cut costs .

  24. 瑞安航空和易捷航空这两家欧洲领先的廉价航空公司也借鉴了西南航空不少的技巧。

    RyanAir and EasyJet , two of Europe 's leading budget airlines , learned many of their tricks from Southwest .

  25. 与短途市场多数成功的廉价航空公司不同,甘泉航空的服务包括热餐和机上娱乐。

    Unlike its more successful low-cost peers in short-haul markets , Oasis ' service also included hot meals and inflight entertainment .

  26. 上述最后一个数据显示,亚洲市场从总体上说并不缺乏廉价航空公司,但捷星是一个经过验证的成功品牌。

    That last shows that Asia generally is hardly underserved with low-cost lines , but Jetstar is a proven , successful brand .

  27. 但是他又说,亚洲的廉价航空公司也面临着一些障碍,尤其是严格的监管体制以及政府对机场和收费的控制。

    But he says budget carriers in Asia face several obstacles , especially tough regulations and government control over airports and fees .

  28. 现在日本的火车票和机票价格都高得离谱,如果这些廉价航空公司能够拉低票价,那将是一个奇迹。

    It would be a miracle if they could help hammer down train and plane fares in Japan , which are excruciating .

  29. 毕竟,人们选择瑞安或者其他廉价航空公司是因为其票价低,而不是因为旅途很愉快。

    After all , people choose Ryanair and other low-cost carriers because of their low prices & not because they enjoy the flight .

  30. 在印度六家航空公司中,只有靛蓝航空这一家廉价航空公司,在今年有望盈利。

    Only one of India 's six carriers , Indigo , a budget airline , is expected to post a profit this year .