
lián zhènɡ zhuān yuán
  • Commissioner Against Corruption
  1. 廉政专员出席茶叙与市民直接沟通。

    ICAC commissioner meets citizens face-to-face .

  2. 廉政专员与警务处长会定期会面,讨论双方共同关注的问题。

    The ICAC commissioner meets the Commissioner of police regularly to discuss issues of mutual concern .

  3. 此外,廉政专员于十一月率领代表团访问北京及广州的检察院。

    In November , the Commissioner led a delegation to visit the procuratorates in Beijing and Guangzhou .

  4. 去年十一月中,我首次以廉政专员的身份率团前往北京及广州进行官式访问。

    In mid-November last year , I led a delegation to pay my first official visit to the authorities in Beijing and Guangzhou as the ICAC commissioner .

  5. 廉政专员最基本的职能是为了监督权力越来越大的行政部门的行政行为,维护政府部门公职人员的清正廉洁,保护公民的合法利益。

    The basic functions of the institution are supervising the administrative activities of the executive , maintaining governmental officials to be honest and upright , protecting the interests of individual citizens .

  6. 我国现有的反腐制度都是针对涉及司法程序的腐败行为,属于事后惩治制度,缺乏一套监督行政部门不当行政行为的反腐预警机制,引进廉政专员制度是一种有效的应对方式。

    Existing anti-corruption systems in China which involved the judicial process are punishment mechanism afterward . What we need is a set of warning mechanism to supervise the improper behavior of the administrative department .

  7. 廉政公署〔前称总督特派廉政专员公署〕在香港,调查官的机构已经建立了很多年,廉政公署(ICAC)的相关媒体鼓励人们举报腐败。

    In Hong Kong , where the institution of an ombudsman has existed for many years , media coverage of the Independent Commission against Corruption ( ICAC ) is encouraging people to come forward with information about corruption .