
  • 网络CEDB;Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
  1. 香港商务及经济发展局局长苏锦梁近日表示,香港政府已经出台了6项措施来解决来自中国大陆的旅游团出现的欺诈行为。

    The Hong Kong authority has come up with six measures to tackle fraudulent group tour services from the mainland , according to So Kam-leung , Hong Kong 's Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development .

  2. 香港商务及经济发展局一位发言人说,香港政府依然在就扩大香港与内地间人员往来的问题与内地有关部门进行着持续而密切的沟通,为尽量缩短入境检查站的排队长龙,香港方面会在必要时增加边检人手。

    A spokesman forHong Kong 's commerce and economic development bureau said that the government remains in ' constant , close communication ' with mainland authorities regarding border crossings and would enhance staffing as needed to help minimize long immigration queues .