
shānɡ pǐn shū chū
  • export of commodities
  1. 其次,对外贸易政策的转变,其中包括保护贸易政策向自由贸易政策的转变,新政时期的外贸政策。再次,对外贸易政策的特征。其中包括从商品输出到资本输出,从计划调节到杠杆调节。

    Secondly , foreign trade policy transformation including protectionist policy to free trade policy transformation and foreign trade policy during New Deal . Thirdly , foreign trade policy characteristic , including from export of commodities to export of capital and from plan adjustment to release lever adjustment .

  2. 再次是资本输出,是指企业通过资本输出而推进的商品输出和市场拓展;

    Third , capital output , which aims at enhancing commodity output and market exploration ;

  3. 争夺市场的主要手段逐渐由以商品输出为主变为以技术资本输出为主,由进出口贸易主导转为以跨国资本营运为主。

    The main measure of scrabbling for market has gradually turned from commodity export into technology and capital output .

  4. 一些发达国家担心,如果中国发展起来,货物出口多了,会不会影响发达国家的商品输出?

    Some developed countries are worried that if China were fully developed and expanded its exports , that would adversely affect their own exports .

  5. 从发达国家跨国公司进入一国市场的步骤来看,今后还会发展到商品输出、资本输出和品牌输出三结合的更高阶段。

    Is Your Brand Well Traveled ? Regarding the experience of TNCs from developed countries , the higher stage should be combined export of goods and service , capital and brand .

  6. 首先结合跨国公司在不同发展阶段跨国经营的动机演变,提出以竞争优势为导向的国际产业转移是比商品输出和资本输出更高级的跨国经营新阶段。

    First , the chapter figures out that competitive advantage - oriented international industrial transfer is a higher level of internationalization than exporting and FDI by analyzing evolution motivation of international operation .

  7. 俄罗斯方面则应该完善贸易制度,提升贸易服务体系,改善商品输出结构;为了应对中印贸易摩擦,中国宏观上应该建立中印经济战略对话机制,加强反倾销立法,改变出口商品结构。

    Russia should improve its trade system , promote trade service system and perfect commodity exporting structure . In response to Sino-Indian trade frictions , on the macro level , China should establish economic strategic dialogue mechanism with India , strengthen anti-dumping legislation and change the structure of exporting commodities .

  8. 商品出口及服务输出增幅可观,固定资产投资进一步上升,消费持续增加。

    Exports of goods and services enjoyed remarkable growth ; fixed asset investment rose further and consumer spending continued to rise .

  9. 吉林省作为我国重要的商品粮基地,一直是商品粮输出大省,具有稳定的商品粮供给能力,比较完备的粮食生产体系。

    JiLin Province is one of important commercial grain bases in China , which has a stable supply ability in grain and a relative complete grain production system .

  10. 举个更实际的例子。下面的代码段显示在商品脱销的时候,我们如何在商品名旁边输出信息“(已售完!)”

    As a more practical example , the below snippet demonstrates how we could output a "( Out of Stock !)" message next to our product name if the product is out of stock