
zì yóu fànɡ rèn zhǔ yì
  • laissez-faire;individualism
  1. 《独立国库法》的确立是自由放任主义的胜利。

    The enacting of Independent Treasury Act was the victory of the laissez-faire .

  2. 它们是自由放任主义模式,国家监管模式和国际模式。

    They are the laissez-faire model , the national regulation model and the international model .

  3. 干涉主义与自由放任主义:G20国家面临一个基本哲学问题&是应该寻求具有法律约束力的新协定,还是应该继续按照自愿原则行事?

    Interventionists vs souverainistes : The G20 nations face a fundamental philosophical issue – should they be looking for legally binding new agreements or should they proceed on a voluntary basis ?

  4. 分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。

    The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism .

  5. 在我国历史上屡见不鲜的自由放任主义原则。

    That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history .

  6. 资本主义1.0是自由放任主义的盛世。

    Capitalism 1 was a world of laisser faire .

  7. 这一时期面对自由放任主义所带来的各种问题,现代自由主义在美国确立。

    This period face laissez-faire brought about by the various problems , modern liberalism established in the United States .

  8. 近代法时期的主要资本主义国家实行自由放任主义,与之一致近代民法中的私法自治适用的范围极广。

    In the period of traditional civil law , major capitalist countries take laissez-faire policy , so the autonomy expands .

  9. 而当时以亚当·斯密为代表的自由放任主义和边沁为代表的功利主义风靡整个贵族统治阶层和普通大众之中。

    Laissez-faire of Adam Smith and utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham swept over whole Britain and were almost accepted by everyone in UK .

  10. 资本主义并不是“自由市场”或是自由放任主义一种无政府“加警察”的制度。

    Capitalism is not the " free market " or laisser faire a system of zero government " plus the constable " .

  11. 事实是,新加坡成功的核心——吸引外国跨国公司的能力——主要归功于自由放任主义,而不是其产业政策。

    Indeed , the core of Singapore 's success - its ability to attract foreign multinationals - owes far more to laissez-faire than to industrial policy .

  12. 美国社会保障制度是在其特殊的文化历史背景下建立起来的,它的发展深受自由放任主义和社会达尔文主义、集体主义、新自由主义思想的主导。

    American social security system is founded under its special cultural and historical background . The development of American social security system is deeply influenced by Liberalism , Social Darwinism , Collectivism , New liberalism .

  13. 西方在市场经济的基本原则下,政府干预与经济自由不时交替进行:从重商主义到自由放任主义再到政府干预的加强,最近又出现二者的融合趋势。

    Adhering to the basic doctrine of marketing economy , there were government interference and free economy by turns in the western : from Mercantilism to Laissez-faire , from government interference to the trend of integrated .

  14. 资源份额超过一个阈值时,保护环境资源所带来的福利收益会弥补税收带来的福利损失。所以,各代都更偏好代际转移政策而不是自由放任主义。

    It is shown that intergenerational transfers may be preferred to laissez-faire by an indefinite sequence of generations : If the resource share exceeds the threshold value , the welfare gain induced by the preservation compensates for the loss due to taxation .