
  • 网络natural monopoly;natural monopolization
  1. 边际报酬递增特性使网络具有显著的自然垄断性。

    Characteristics of increasing marginal revenue can result to natural monopoly .

  2. 下一代网络的骨干核心网仍然具有明显的自然垄断性。

    It is obvious that next generation core network is with obviously natural monopoly feature .

  3. 由于输电网的自然垄断性和规模经济特性,利用合作博弈论分析输电交易最佳联盟方式,用Shapley值对最佳方式下的输电费用进行分配。

    Due to the natural monopolization characteristic and economies of scale of power transmission network , the cooperative game theory is available for determining the best union mode of transmission transactions , and the Shapley value is used to distribute the transmission cost under this mode .

  4. 这种自然垄断性受到两方面因素的影响。

    In the same time , following two factors influence the characteristics .

  5. 农业基础设施一般具有公共物品、外部经济性、自然垄断性和投资资金聚集性等特征。

    Agricultural infrastructure is featuring with quasi-public goods and externality .

  6. 电力行业是一个典型的自然垄断性行业。

    The power industry is a typical monopoly trade naturally .

  7. 高速公路经营企业属于传统意义上的自然垄断性行业。

    Highway enterprises belong to industries of national monopoly .

  8. 铁路路网系统基础设施的建立和操作具有明显的自然垄断性,铁路的运营部门(包括客运、货运、机车、车辆等)是可竞争的,具有非自然垄断性;

    The establishment and operation of railway network system are obvious natural monopolistic .

  9. 我国自然垄断性产业的规制与发展研究

    How to Regulate and Develop Naturally Monopolistic Industries

  10. 随着技术的创新,电信市场自然垄断性逐渐消亡。

    Along with technological innovation , the monopoly nature of telecommunications market is dying out .

  11. 服务和技术中的快速创新腐蚀了电信市场的自然垄断性。

    Rapid innovations in services and technologies eroded the notion of natural monopoly for telecommunications industry .

  12. 北京市自然垄断性公用事业管制改革及其绩效

    The reform and its effects in the regulation of the Capital 's naturally monopolized public utilities

  13. 公用企业既是营利性的企业法人,又具有社会公益性和一定的自然垄断性。

    Public enterprises are profit-making enterprise legal person with social welfare , and some natural monopoly .

  14. 电业的自然垄断性、公用事业性、外部性特征为电业规制提供了制度需求;

    The characteristics of natural monopoly , public utility and externality provide the institution demand for electrical utility regulation .

  15. 随着市场需求的扩大,固定通信行业的自然垄断性也随之消除。

    With the increase of market demands , the natural monopoly of this industry has gone out of the stage .

  16. 因具有一定自然垄断性和行政保护性,公用企业在客观上取得市场支配地位。

    Public enterprises dominate the markets objectively , because of their natural monopoly and administrative protection to a certain extent .

  17. 电力行业由于具有一定的自然垄断性,规制者与被规制企业之间存在严重信息不对称问题,因而成为规制的重要行业之一。

    Electricity industry is a natural monopoly industry to some extent which cause information asymmetry between regulator and regulated enterprise .

  18. 但是天然气输送管网具有自然垄断性,缺乏有效监管将损害消费者利益。

    Natural gas pipeline network is a natural monopoly and the lack of effective supervision will damage the interests of consumers .

  19. 总体而言,政府管制需求主要导源于自然垄断性与外部性这两大类问题。

    To sum up , the demand of government control originates from two kinds of problem of natural monopolize and exterior .

  20. 社会及科技发展改变了公用企业的自然垄断性,次可加性成为分析规模经济效益的工具;

    The social and scientific development changed the natural monopoly of communal company and became the tool of analyzing dimensional economic benefit .

  21. 从公用事业的基本理论入手,着重分析它的自然垄断性和本质属性&公共性。

    Starting from the basic theory of public utilities , focusing on analysis of its natural monopoly and essential property - Public .

  22. 中国必须借鉴经济发达国家的经验,在自然垄断性行业引入竞争机制,促进其市场结构和企业组织结构的优化。

    China has to learn from developed countries . Improve the market structure and enterprise organizations by introducing competition into natural monopoly industries .

  23. 作为一个具有自然垄断性的行业,政府规制是必然的,然而过度的规制会使得整个电力行业效率低下。

    As a natural monopoly industries , government regulation is inevitable , but over-regulation will lead the electric power industry to low efficiency .

  24. 公用事业由于其自身行业的自然垄断性,传统体制下一直由政府垄断经营。

    Because of the natural monopolization of the public utilities , it used to be run by the government in the traditional system .

  25. 电力产业是一个垄断性产业,其有着强自然垄断性直接决定了政府规制的必要性。

    Electric power industry is a monopoly industries , which has strong monopolization , and it directly determine the necessity of government regulation .

  26. 对具有自然垄断性的网络型业务,由政府进行微观管制,消除由垄断引起的市场失灵,以最低的成本收到最好的效果。

    The natural monopoly operations should be micro-controlled by government to avoid market malfunction , and get the best effect by least cost .

  27. 铁路因其消费的准公共性、自然垄断性和资本密集性而成为政府管制的对象。

    The government because of its quasi-public goods character , natural monopoly as well as its costing investment , has always regulated railway industry .

  28. 排水行业的自然垄断性,使得北京排水集团具有事业单位的运作模式。

    Thanks to the natural monopolization condition in drainage industry , Beijing Drainage Group has been worked as a part of function of government before .

  29. 第2章,天然气行业竞争结构及监管需求分析,分析了天然气行业各个环节的自然垄断性。

    Chapter 2 , competitive natural gas industry structure and regulatory requirements analysis , analysis of all aspects of the natural gas industry natural monopoly .

  30. 垄断行业与竞争性领域改革相比,具有自然垄断性、公益性、安全性、网络性、复杂性等特点。

    Compared with competitive field reform , monopoly industry has the charactristics of the monopoly naturally , public beneficial , security , networks , complexities , etc.