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  1. 最终武王赢得了牧野之战,对于战败的商朝军队没有丝毫怜悯之情,血流遍野足够让木头漂浮。

    The Zhou were victorious and showed little mercy to the defeated Shang , shedding enough blood " to float a log . "

  2. 商朝的军队庞大,有一定的编制。

    The dynasty had a large army with certain division .

  3. 两年后,文王兵出潼关,联合各方诸侯,挥师东向,于次年2月在牧野打败商朝的军队,建立了周朝。

    Two years later , he led army to depart from Tongguan , allying various vassal states , and marching eastward . In the next February , King Wu defeated the Shang forces at the battle of Muye ; then established the Zhou Dynasty .