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zhòu shā
  • crape;crepe silk
绉纱 [zhòu shā]
  • (1) [crape;crepe silk]

  • (2) 织出皱纹的丝织品,用起收缩作用的捻合线做纬线织成,质地坚牢,常用来做衣服、被面等

  • (3) 有特殊用途的黑色绉纹丝织品,可用来制作僧袍、黑纱、丧带或蒙面纱

绉纱[zhòu shā]
  1. 维多利亚表示,这个系列的灵感来自于连环漫画《至尊神探》(DickTracy),它运用了明亮的色彩,比如该系列中的宝蓝色绉纱露肩拖地长裙以及翡翠色弹力修身褶底连衣裙。

    The collection , she said , drew inspiration from'Dick Tracy'comic strips , and featured bright colors like a sapphire-blue crepe column corset dress , and an emerald stretch felt drape front frock .

  2. 她的品牌EvaChun主要是丝绸绉纱和雪纺的女装晚礼服,很快年零售额就达到了250万美元(约合如今的420万美元)。

    Her Eva Chun line , mostly women 's evening wear heavy on silk crepe and chiffon , was soon generating annual retail sales of $ 2.5 million . ( $ 4.2 million in today 's currency . )

  3. 她的裙装出自设计师克里斯蒂安·西里亚诺(ChristianSiriano)之手,钴蓝色的丝绸绉纱、盖肩的短袖、喇叭裙,以及紧凑的腰围,颜色几乎与背景相匹配,这使米歇尔的出场不那么重要,迎合了爱国的主题,

    Cobalt blue silk crepe , with cap sleeves , a flared skirt and a neat waist , it was by the designer Christian Siriano , and it pretty much matched the backdrop , playing down Mrs. Obama 's appearance and playing to the patriotic theme ,

  4. 非常薄的绉纱丝绸或丝状纤维。

    A very thin crepe of silk or silklike fabric .

  5. 涤棉强捻绉纱织物染整工艺探讨

    A Discussion on the Dyeing and Finishing Process of High Twists T / C Crepe

  6. 她穿一件黑花缎裙袍,一件同样料子的短披风,戴一顶白绉纱帽子。

    She wore a dress of black damask , a cape of the same material , and a bonnet of white crape .

  7. 那条绉纱头巾使她活像只乌鸦,瑞德坦率地说,而那身黑衣服则使她显得老了十岁。

    Rhett said frankly that the crepe veil made her look like a crow and the black dresses added ten years to her age .

  8. 能从远处望见一顶紫飘带白绉纱帽下的盈盈一笑。已够使灵魂进入美梦之宫了。

    The glimpse of a smile beneath a white crape bonnet with a lilac curtain is sufficient to cause the soul to enter into the palace of dreams .