
  1. 属于西伯姬昌的封建领地。

    The area was the feudal estate of Count Ji Chang .

  2. 太公奇特的钓鱼方法,终于传到了姬昌那里。

    Soon his strange way of fishing was reported to Ji Chang .

  3. 姬昌知道后,派一名士兵去叫他来。

    Ji sent a soldier to fetch him .

  4. 他们到周国的时候姬昌已经死了,而姬发带着兵正准备去讨伐纣王。

    When they arrived , Ji Chang had died and Ji Fa was leading the troops to attack King Zhou .

  5. 公元前十三世纪,商朝的势力范围扩大到了今天的甘肃省境内,而甘肃正是周文王姬昌的领地,

    By the 13th century BC , Shang influence had reached what is now Gansu Province , a region that was occupied by a people known as the Zhou .

  6. 姬昌是商朝的诸侯,被商王帝辛敕封为西伯侯。

    King Wen ( Ji Chang ) , the ruler of the Zhou , who was a Shang vassal , was given the title " Count of the West " by the king Di Xin of Shang .