
  • 网络Green Job
  1. 这些绿色就业机会有可能缔造出绝妙的经济发展机遇。

    These green jobs have the potential to create tremendous economic opportunities .

  2. 比利时生态税措施在应对气候变化、减少温室气体排放、刺激经济和促进绿色就业等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Belgian Eco-tax plays an important role in dealing with climate change , reducing greenhouse gas emissions , boosting economy and improving green jobs .

  3. 他们也发现受到咳嗽袭扰的国人更加倾向于支持由联邦政府为流感疫苗买单的计划而不是支持政府将钱花在为创造绿色就业岗位上。

    They also found that folks who were coughed on were more likely to favor federal funding for flu vaccines than for the creation of green jobs .

  4. 我们将集中关注三个具体领域:增加贸易与投资,促进绿色就业,为鼓励贸易和创造就业机会而提高和协调规制。

    Were going to be focusing on three specific areas : increasing trade and investment , promoting green jobs , and streamlining and coordinating regulations so that we encourage trade and job creation .

  5. 重点对绿色税收在就业、分配、竞争力等方面的效应研究进行总结。

    The keystone of this part is the summing-up of researching effects on employment , allocation , competition and so on .

  6. 促进绿色增长,鼓励在绿色产业中创造就业机会;

    Promoting green growth and fostering job creation in green industries ;