
  • 网络green collar;Green-collar worker
  1. ChristenRomans向我们展示了一些成员怎样学习成为绿领世界的一部分。

    Christen Romans shows us how some folks are learning to be part of the green collar world .

  2. 这就是路易斯安那州的绿领们。

    That 's where Louisiana green collar come in .

  3. 另外还有一个新词就是greencollar,绿领,一般指的是在环境产业或环保业工作的人。

    And then , also , there 's something called a green collar worker . Most of you guys can guess what that means . It 's basically just someone who works in a green industry .

  4. 绿领:指成长中的与环保有关的行业。

    Green-collar : Describes the growing environmental-protection industry .

  5. 绿领工作是一种既光荣而又时尚的工作。

    Green jobs is both glorious and fashionable .

  6. 环保绿领工人(绿领工作)可以满足绿色发展的需要。

    Environmental green-collar workers ( or green jobs ) satisfy the demand for green development .

  7. 这费用对中国社会的多数人而言,确实太高了。所言‘绿领’需要‘金领’的收入就不足为奇了。

    No wonder it 's been said that to be a'green-collar'requires the income of a'gold-collar .

  8. 同时,奥巴马曾经承诺的500万绿领工作已被悄然忘记。

    Meanwhile , those 5m green-collar jobs Mr Obama once promised have been quietly forgotten .

  9. 但是不仅仅是在托莱多,全国各地绿领行业都如雨后春笋般涌现出来。

    But it 's not just Toledo , green-collar jobs are sprouting up across the country .

  10. 绿领工人就是受雇于环保经济产业的工人。

    A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in the environmental sectors of the economy .

  11. 如果你有兴趣成为绿领俱乐部的成员,申请程序简单。

    If you 're interested in becoming a member of the Green CollarClub , the application process is simple .

  12. 该项目是一份绿领工作,主要集中于环境。

    And starting it is an example of green collar job , work that has focused on the environment .

  13. 有一个新群体,自称“绿领”,而且他们自己还有同样名字的俱乐部。

    There is a new group of people who call themselves " green-collars ," and they even have their own club with the same name .

  14. 为了响应减少浪费食物,书院及书院膳堂承办商「帆船饮食管理有限公司」参加了由「绿领行动」所举办的「有衣食日」。

    The College and the College Caterer , Sailing Boat Catering Management Ltd , have participated in the Save Food Campaign organised by the Greeners Action .

  15. “现在我是绿领工作人员了。能够在一个全新的发展机会中从零开始我感到非常激动。”

    I 'm a green-collar worker now . It was very exciting for me , to be able to start on the ground floor of a new type of development . "

  16. 警方在高速公路上追捕违法的超速驾驶者时,这些豪车成为了这个城市的白领与绿领中的一道靓丽风景线。

    Painted in the city 's white and green colours , the cars make for a startling sight as they patrol some of Dubai 's many highways in pursuit of speeding lawbreakers .

  17. 无论的城乡大循环构想还是在城市中培育和造就一部分绿领阶层,这些都能在相当大的程度上改变我国的生态发展领域的现状。

    Both the concept of cycle of urban and rural areas and nurturing and creating a class holding ecological ideas in the city . To some large extent , these advices can make changes in the field of development of ecological status in China .