
  • 网络green investment
  1. 中国发展绿色投资的思路和对策

    The Thinking Way and Countermeasure to Develop Green Investment in China

  2. 发展循环经济,绿色投资是一个十分重要的途径。

    The green investment is an important way to develop cycle economy .

  3. 重庆市绿色投资环境评价指标体系

    Analysis on an Assessing Index System of Chongqing 's Green Investment Environment

  4. 第一章是绿色投资概述。

    The first chapter is summary of green investment .

  5. 中年人健康储蓄的绿色投资&体育健身与消费

    Sports bodybuilding and consumption & Green investment of health deposit for the aged

  6. 在某种意义上,这是第一家众筹绿色投资公司。

    It is , in a sense , the first crowdfunded green investment firm .

  7. 绿色投资的兴起是人类社会在绿色发展时代的必然要求。

    It is essential to develop green investment in human social during green development .

  8. 基于环境成本内部化博弈分析的企业绿色投资评价

    Enterprise Green Investment Evaluation Based on the Game Analysis of Internalization of Environmental Cost

  9. 绿色投资及其发展方向

    Green Investment and Its Direction of Development

  10. 但我实在为之痴迷,因此我为自己找了个“绿色投资”的正当理由。

    But in the grip of obsession , I rationalised it as a green investment .

  11. 我们认为,任何人都不应放弃回报而致力于绿色投资。

    We believe that you should not have to give up return to make green investments .

  12. 不过,让我们欣慰的是,奥巴马总统的经济救援方案中包括了相当数量的绿色投资项目。

    It is heart-warming to see that Obama 's economic rescue package contains significant levels of green investment .

  13. 绿色投资是最能体现以人为本和经济社会可持续发展的投资,是最能体现科学发展观的投资。

    Green investment concerns the human-oriented principle , and it shows the sustainable development of the social economy .

  14. 另外,新政府已提出立法建议,拟在秋季前成立一家绿色投资银行。

    The new government has also brought forward legislation to establish a green investment bank by the autumn .

  15. 2007年绿色投资出现了强劲增长,这在一定程度上得益于可获得的投资产品的增加。

    Green investing saw robust growth in 2007 , partly owing to an increase in the investment products available .

  16. 他甚至更为乐观地认为,绿色投资对整个地区而言是一个“很好的长期主题”。

    He is even more upbeat that green investment is a " good long-term theme " for the region .

  17. 斯特恩说,今年到目前为止,已经对这类绿色投资投入了大约150亿美元。

    So far this year , some $ 15 billion has been invested in such green investments , Stern said .

  18. 许多企业已意识到,即使缺乏碳排放规制,一些绿色投资仍有其商业价值。

    Many companies have found that , even with little carbon regulation , some sorts of green investment make commercial sense .

  19. 对于发达国家在贫困国家进行(碳交易)的绿色投资,该文件概述了发达国家索要碳交易信贷的可能途径。

    The documents outline possible ways of widening a scheme that allows developed nations to claim carbon-trading credits from green investments in poor countries .

  20. 绿色投资是在人与自然关系紧张、可持续发展战略和构建和谐社会等背景下提出的。

    Green investment is in the tension between man and nature , sustainable development strategies and building a harmonious society proposed by the context .

  21. 近年来很多学者对东亚经济进行了研究,从东亚贸易合作到东亚金融合作到东亚经济一体化,但是对东亚投资合作的研究很少,关于东亚绿色投资合作的研究更是不多见。

    A lot of scholars did research on the East Asia economy , form the East Asia financial cooperation to trade cooperation to economic integration .

  22. 有经验表明,投资者对可持续和绿色投资的兴趣浓厚,但他们也希望得到较高的回报。

    " Experience has shown us that investors are indeed interested in sustainability and green investments but they also expect a good return ," says Kuijlaars .

  23. 为加快发展循环经济,必须建立绿色投资制度,应当从绿色投资制度、财政和金融政策、法律法规方面着手,发展绿色投资。

    We must set up green investment rules to enhance green investment . We should start from green investment rules , finance and laws to develop green investment .

  24. 陶氏化学表示,绿色投资1994年以来已为其节约能源达1.8千万亿英热单位&足以为美国加州所有家庭供电20个月。

    Dow Chemical says its green investments have saved 1.8 quadrillion British thermal units of energy since 1994 & enough to power every home in California for 20 months .

  25. 绿色投资发展的方向和重点是:绿色企业投资、绿色产业投资、绿色园区投资、绿色城市投资和绿色技术投资。

    This article holds the points that the developing direction and keystone of green investment is investing in green firms , green industries , green cities and green technology .

  26. 论文深入地分析了新疆绿色投资种类和运行机制总体结构,与产业结构调整中的影响因素和相互关系进行探讨。

    Paper-depth analysis of the effectiveness of system operation in Xinjiang green investment mechanism , and the impact of industrial structure adjustment factors and to explore the relationship between .

  27. 还有个更现实的动机就是,绿色投资有助于提升形象&世行一改清高做派,会在发行绿色债券的时候公布投资人的名单。

    A more obviously venal motive is that green investing is good for the image & unusually , the World Bank publishes the names of investors in its green offerings .

  28. 诚然,理论界对于伦理投资概念的界定还比较模糊,诸如绿色投资、社会责任投资以及投资伦理等相关的概念容易混淆。

    However , it is difficult to ensure the definition of ethical investment theory , such as green investment , socially responsible investment and ethics in investment behavior and other related concepts .

  29. 笔者从政策、法律法规、绿色投资、市场机制、绿色创新五个方面提出建议,以期为我国政策制定者提供一定的参考。

    This thesis provides some suggestions on policy , laws and regulations , green investment , market mechanism and green innovation , so as to provide some reference for policy makers in China .

  30. 面对新疆严重的人口资源和环境问题,及未来经济发展模式的局限性,本文提出利用绿色投资转变新疆传统经济增长方式,发展循环经济的观点。

    Xinjiang facing serious environmental and resource issues , the limitations of future economic development model , this paper presents the traditional use of green investment to economic growth in Xinjiang , the development of circular economy point of view .