
  • 网络joint investment;Joint venture;syndicates
  1. 迪士尼在中国内地的首座迪士尼乐园(Disneyland)将于6月16在上海开业——该项目由迪士尼与三家中国国企联合投资550亿元人民币(合80亿美元)兴建。

    The US company 's first Disneyland resort in mainland China opens in Shanghai on June 16 - a Rmb55bn ( $ 8bn ) joint venture with three government owned companies .

  2. 探讨了联合投资收益与风险分摊的机理;

    Firstly , this part discusses the mechanism of the sharing of risk and revenue in joint venture capital investment .

  3. G企业是在国家电力企业改革的背景下,广西企业联合投资,联合办电的产物。

    The business enterprise of G is jointly invested and operated by some Guangxi enterprises under the background of national electric power enterprise reform .

  4. 但这一点微不足道,除非联合投资公司(FederatedInvestors)在利率开始上涨时给人们带来惊喜。

    Its hardly noteworthy , except federated investors is a company that will surprise people when rates start rising .

  5. 为了对目前情况加以解读,《财富》杂志(Fortune)有幸对资金规模达31亿美元的第一雄鹰黄金基金(FirstEagleGoldFund)联合投资组合经理雷切尔•贝内普进行了一次采访。

    To get a read on things , fortune caught up with Rachel Benepe , co-manager of the $ 3.1 billion first Eagle Gold Fund ( sggdx ) .

  6. 在去年11月珠海航展上,奥地利飞制造商钻石航空公司(DiamondAir)宣布,与山东省政府联合投资4200万美元的山东滨奥飞机制造公司投产。

    Diamond Air , an Austrian aircraft-maker , announced the opening of Shandong BinAo , a $ 42m joint venture with the government of Shandong province , at the Zhuhai Airshow in November .

  7. 在对风险进行细分的基础上,选择了评价的指标和方法,构建了PE联合投资的评价体系。

    Based on the analysis of PE risk , this thesis selects indicators and methods of a joint venture , and builds a risk evaluation system for joint venture of PE .

  8. 但研究还发现,当多个风险投资机构联合投资参与创业板的IPO活动时,真实盈余管理问题程度反而加深,说明在联合投资中风险投资的躁动效应占主导地位。

    But the " restless effect " dominate when several venture capital institutes joint invest an IPO in GEM , leading to a higher real earnings management .

  9. 外界认为,TPG将为这家初创基金提供部分资金,并联合投资一些交易。

    TPG is expected to help part fund the start-up venture and to co-invest in some deals .

  10. 去年11月,法国雅高(Accor)酒店集团和总部位于迪拜的房地产开发商埃玛尔地产(EmaarProperties)同意联合投资3亿美元,在印度开发100家廉价酒店。

    French hotel group Accor and Dubai-based developer Emaar Properties last November agreed to jointly invest $ 300m to develop 100 budget hotels in India .

  11. 最后,笔者认为,在房地产企业纷纷设立房地产PE的状况下,引入联合投资这种机制或邀请独立第三方参与到投资项目评估中有利于保障投资项目选择中的公允性。

    I believe that the introduction of such a mechanism of joint investment real estate companies have set up the conditions of the real estate of PE . or invite an independent third party to participate in the fair assessment of investment projects will help protect the investment project selection .

  12. 现在它号称拥有16亿美元储蓄,并于最近牵手叙利亚第一大私人财团资助一家水泥厂的建设。这是一项耗资6亿8千万,法国的Lafarge与当地企业家联合投资的项目。

    It now boasts $ 1.6 billion in deposits , and recently led Syria 's first-ever private syndication to finance a cement plant , a joint venture between France 's Lafarge and local businessmen costing $ 680m .

  13. 风险资本联合投资的激励契约设计

    The Design of Incentive Contracts about Syndication in Venture Capital

  14. 研究信息不对称情况下,多个风险投资家进行联合投资的情况。

    Under asymmetric information , the syndication is studied in the dissertation .

  15. 风险资本联合投资的数理模型研究

    A Study of Mathematical Model of Venture Capital Syndication

  16. 与其它投资机构实施联合投资是一种懒惰而较有效的方法。

    At last , collective investment with other VCIs is an effective measure .

  17. 该计划基于客户联合投资。

    The plan is based on customer co-investment .

  18. 其二,联合投资方分权后的风险小于单独对投资项目所承担的风险。

    Thus secondly , each side in the joint investment will share less risks .

  19. 中外创业投资企业联合投资模式探讨

    Study on the Joint Investment Pattern of the Chinese and Foreign Venture Capital Firm

  20. 对风险投资中联合投资策略的研究

    Research of Syndication Strategy of Venture Capital

  21. 你还会发现,某些不稳定的人士会诱使你参与联合投资。

    You will find that uncertain individuals will want to draw you into joint ventures .

  22. 2美国联合投资股份公司与上报公司的重组协议和计划。

    Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between American Unity Investments , Inc. and the Registrant .

  23. 缺乏经验的创业投资机构倾向于与突出的创业投资机构进行联合投资。

    And the venture capital funds with little experience are likely to co-invest with prominent ones .

  24. 两家公司表示,这些付款以及未来的联合投资可能总计达200亿美元。

    These payments and future combined investment could amount to $ 20bn , the companies said .

  25. 在联合投资方面,如果不慎,你会遭受损失。

    Losses could occur if you haven 't been careful when dealing with joint financial ventures .

  26. 项目是否异地对其选择单独投资还是联合投资没有显著影响。

    Project in different places did not significantly affect to choose separate investment or joint investment .

  27. 对中国来讲,这次光纤技术上的惊人突破是由许多通信公司联合投资完成的。

    This amazing breakthrough in fiber optic technology for China is a joint investment by many carriers .

  28. 联合投资:公司将引进投资伙伴,共同投资和运营数字酒店多媒体互动平台。

    Co-investment : Leaguer will invite investment partner , co-invest and co-operate the digital hotel multi-media interactive platform .

  29. 联合投资公司的投资组合经理劳伦斯·克雷亚图拉表示叙利亚冲突是个未知因素。

    Lawrence Creatura , portfolio manager for Federated Investors , says the Syrian conflict is a wild card .

  30. 值得注意的是,规模越大的风险投资公司却具有越强的联合投资意愿。

    It is worth noticing that the larger venture capital firms but the stronger the joint willingness to invest .