
  • 网络Co-financing;Cofinancing
  1. “B”类贷款:世界银行发放的涉及到联合融资的贷款。

    " B " loan : Loan made by the World Bank involving cofinancing .

  2. 不可变更(撤销)的偿付协议:由世界银行与商业银行签订的协议,规定前者将偿付借款人拖欠后者的任何一部分联合融资贷款。

    Irrevocable agreement to reimburse : an agreement given e.g.by the bank to a commercial bank that it will reimburse any part of a cofinancing loan on which a borrower defaults .

  3. 当地社区通过联合融资和编制设计方案,也参与了赠款计划的实施工作。

    Local communities participated in the grants program through co-funding and design-preparation .

  4. 欧洲金融稳定机构可与欧洲投资银行一起,管理纯粹的欧元债券发行及联合融资项目。

    The EFSF could conduct net Eurobond issues and co-finance projects with the EIB .

  5. 新欧元债券的利息可以用这类联合融资项目的收入来支付。

    The new Eurobonds could be serviced by revenues from such co-finance of projects .

  6. 亚行联合融资的利用额度成倍增长

    Used quantum of co-financing of ADB increases doubly

  7. 这些发展机构同样应恢复与商业银行及其它金融机构的联合融资。

    These development institutions should also reinstate co-financing with commercial banks and other financial institutions .

  8. 据万达表示,双方合作的内容包括索尼即将在中国高调发布的联合融资项目。

    Wanda said it would include the co-financing of upcoming high-profile Sony releases in China .

  9. 再融资能力不足。联合融资:国际化的金融工具

    Cofinance : A International Financial Tool

  10. 扩大融资的工作将通过与捐助方的联合融资和平行融资来更有效地调动它们有限的资源。

    This scaling up will be achieved through co-and parallel financing with donors to leverage more effectively their limited resources .

  11. 联合融资公司提供相应的咨询、管理和风险控制服务,将统一的融资需求进行专业化处理。

    The joint funding company provides correspondent services such as consultation , management and risk controlling and takes actions to specialize the unified financing demands .

  12. 如果投资项目对公司的影响为负,则联合融资就是最优的,且在联合融资中,债权人是积极融资者,股东只是被动的合作伙伴。

    If the effect is negative , the combining-financing is the best , in which the creditor is the positive financer and the shareholder is the passive cooperation partner .

  13. 正如在欠发达国家债务危机期间施行的那样,联合融资利用各种机制,为新兴市场经济体提供更多的融资途径,条件也较其它情况下更为优惠。

    As implemented during the less-developed-country debt crisis , co-financing uses a variety of mechanisms to provide emerging market economies with greater access to funding and on better terms than otherwise would have been available .

  14. 中国金融机构与世界银行集团旗下的国际金融公司等机构长期保持良好合作关系,在西非地区电信项目上提供联合融资,共同推动了区域通信行业发展。

    Chinese financial institutions also maintain a good cooperative relationship with the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ), which is a member of the WB Group , to provide co-financing to telecommunications projects in West Africa and push forward the development of the communications industry in this region .

  15. 在某些情况下,新建立的多捐赠机构信托资金将为项目提供联合赠款融资。

    In some cases , grant co-financing for the projects is expected to come from the newly established multi donor trust fund .

  16. 目前,通过联合回应紧急融资需求,本援助计划下的三家机构正根据其各自职责和实力提供金融援助。

    By jointly addressing urgent financing needs , the three institutions in this initiative are drawing on their own mandates and specific capabilities to provide financial support .

  17. 通过对农村多层次主体信贷需求调查和考察,研究表明,农户、农村企业、农村经济联合体的融资首选是金融机构,并且其信贷需求表现为政策性、合作性和商业性三个层次。

    By the investigation about the credit demand of the main body in the country , this paper analysed not only their financing sequence , but also the credit demand level .

  18. 2007财年,国际金融公司通过联合贷款、结构化融资和平行贷款,额外动员了39亿美元资金。

    In FY07 , IFC mobilized an additional $ 3.9 billion through loan participations , structured finance , and parallel loans .